Tuesday, December 19, 2006

She's Precious!

I got to run with her this evening.. we talked. She's dating someone...it happened fast she says..she journals about it. I told her I journal too off and on line; she mostly on line except for when she has to work out anger. She is so much like me. I adore her. Of she and her new girlfriend I said. "I would have picked her for you myself." They are good for each other.

They were here this evening; both of them cute together. She laid on her chest. She's precious! Like a baby. I would love to hold her like that; but, I'll never have her love...like that. I would be kissing her head if I held her like that. My afternoon lover holds me and kisses my head... like that...I love it. And I'll hold on to her as long as she'll let me...my friends who worry about me..need not know. It's sad in a way, that I have to keep them separate; but, friends are protective and I love them for that. I'm taking one day at a time. I would love to be in a romantic relationship and that of course, is totally up to the universe. I can only want it..nothing more. I need the help of the universe.

Yes, I love her! I adore her...she is precious to me.

The night they told me about "them", I looked deeply into her eyes for a second or two then kissed her forehead and I kissed her new love on the cheek. They had stars in their eyes and permanent smiles on their cheeks. So cute; so precious!

They are precious. Thank god for love and lesbians. Oh why was I born SO SOON!

They are both feminine too which I adore. I am totally NOT into butch. But, in my earlier years the only out lesbian was the obvious...the much too masculine butch

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