Saturday, December 16, 2006

It's Saturday night!

I'm hoping I have a terrific evening out tonight at the bar to see the "Gravity Girls" dance. I'm hoping to do perform at midnight as scheduled.

I'm hoping I feel alive and wide awake! I think I had about five hours of sleep last night. I have high hopes of meeting and being with someone exciting this evening. I want it to be magical, fun and very special! I can't wait!

But, I looked more forward to my first drink last night then I do this evening. So, I guess the edge is off!

I have sort of lost a friend, well two who I hung out with. I miss them. Well, they hooked up together and don't go out to the bar anymore. Well, I get to see them otherwise; but, the bar would be fun once in a while. They are saving money. But, they do still come over to visit..hopefully, in the new year we'll go to the art museum too.

And other friends want to save money or have other commitments. Or, they just already found each other. Me, I like the happy, social, dance atmosphere of the bar. But, so far, I'm staying afloat in the social arena. Our group does do things together and so we can enjoy each other.

I need to be dating a "hot" and I mean really "hot" woman. One in which we connect in all ways and levels. Yeah, I think I'm ready for a more casual dating scene. It would be cool to be in love with someone special and sleep know! I want her to be very sensual and affectionate and sweet and loving and know, like I am.

If she is right for me then I believe we can do it. I mean I can do it. I'll meet her to night.

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