Monday, December 11, 2006

Twenty years later.....

we have come full circle and are now back to saturated fats. Now, today, the bad guy is trans fats.

Yeah, I always thought there is nothing better than "natural" fats.

The restaurants in New York, by law, must change from cooking with trans fat to saturated natural fats. Most cooks prefer cooking with trans fat because food stay crisp longer then foods cooks with saturated fat which get soft within three or four hours.

Trans fat; however, clines to arteries for keeps and are dangerous to your health. Remember twenty years ago when we had the heart attack scares and the food producers jumped on new products to sell. They probably always knew that trans fat was worse for you then saturated fats; but, hey, a buck is a buck.

Remember the Atkin's diet? Yes, the food producers got on that bandwagon too, even with brownie mixes made with Splenda. I can no longer find those mixes. I guess Duncan Hines doesn't make them anymore. They probably weren't selling enough of them and so discontinued them.

And what ever happened to Diet Rite soda? I think it became a high power 8.4 oz can of vitamin packed soda. For a good buzz, try one. I did and liked it.

From time to time I do need a buzz to get my energy up so I can run, swim and work out on weight machines. Personally, I prefer Accel Gel with protein and caffeine. I also like Spot Blocs which are little jello like candies with optional caffeine added.

And how about seat belts and all those air bags? Of course with those super sized SUV's out there we in cars need all the protection we can get. I hate those big vehicles. They piss me off! You can't see through the medal or the extra dark tinted windows. I hate to park next to one. It's like parking next to a tall building in which you have to pull out at your own risk. There is just no seeing around them. I hate them! When I'm running I hate coming upon cars with super dark tinted windows. Personally, I want to make eye contact with the driver because I want to make sure he sees me! Most drivers are blind to runners and bicyclist; especially if they do neither themselves. Sometimes I think they would just a soon hit me as not. God these people can be hateful. I think they hate me because I am making an effort to take care of myself and stay cute and healthy. I pray everytime I'm out there amongst these drivers who are so easily distracted by cell phones, cigarettes or the sun in their eyes; and speed!

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