Thursday, December 07, 2006

This is the warmest autumn in London in 374 years

and they had a tornado which is practically unheard of in the UK. Global warming? You bet! But, I'm sure the Evangical Christians are still claiming that the global warming is nothing more than scare tactics by the Democrats (certainly not by the Republicans, they are the ones giving oil, auto and other industries the green light and removing what little clean-air regulations that were in place; or allowing them to extend laws out to 2010. By then, it might be too late!

CO2' effect on global warming is a new experience for mankind. The world has never had 40 billion people on it before. There has never been so many gas guzzling, air polluting vehicles on this planet, or leaf blowers, or snow mobiles, or speed boats.

In the 1950's, besides having a very small population there was one automobile per household; today there are from two to four at least.

And all this fussing over Iraq is silly. The Bush dynasty got exacting what they wanted out of it and that is to have a Haliburton (tax money guzzler) foot hold there to protect the oil and put the tax payers money in Republican big business cronies' pockets. I think this dynasty knew from the get go that there would be nothing gains by sending troops to Iraq. I think the troop are to protect the Haliburton employees. Iraq is in ruins. It is ludicrous to think that these people even want democracy. They want to fight and kill each other; or they all want a piece of the oil fields.

I believe if it were not for big business wanting oil and the giant profits it brings in; then, we and the rest of the world long ago would have gone with electric cars. Early in the 1900's when Ford came out with the gasoline engine other companies came out with an electric engine which was crystal clean of air pollution, so opposite of the gasoline. Even then, the electric was much more popular but Ford snuffed that out quickly. Just as GM did in the early 2000 when California demanded an electric car. People loved them, leased them (they weren't for sale - tells you right there that that the GM idea was only a temporary appeasement to quite state officials. Then Bush got in the picture and over-ruled California's clean-air bill) until the the supply was depicted. People demanded and begged GM to further provide the electric car.

But, the big three, declined. In fact they stopped production fearing the rest of the nation would prefer electric over gas and there would go the driving up of the gasoline price and the huge profit margins oil, auto, and government were bringing in. They are all in cahoots.

And why don't we heard anything from Saudi Arabia? Or Asama bin Laden? Friends of the Bush dynasty? All in cahoots? Learning to fly airplanes into tall buildings so we would have an excuse to get into Iraq to go after Saddam Hussein, a man who did not attack us? Personally, I think we attached ourselves! Clue number 1, the perfect camera placement to capture the planes (from all angles) hitting the buildings.

I just saw TV coverage of Jack Ruby shooting the Russian who supposedly killed Kennedy. Perfect camera coverage! It was planned. The whole thing was a conspiracy. The republicans didn't like what the Kennedy's were doing for the poor and blacks. They didn't like that Kennedy wanted to pull out of Vietnam (another war for big industry profit).

Oh and wars help keep the populations down. Even now Army recruits go into poor industry abandoned cities such as Detroit and deliberately trap young people into joining the military by offering them college tuition (which they will never live long enough to get) and $20,000. that they can leave their families in their deaths.

It plain to see that this is not a government for the people; but rather, a government for the government and big business.

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