Thursday, December 28, 2006

I miss my dog!

It's just weird without her here! There is a "presence" missing. I'm trying to's tough!

My afternoon delight is supposed to be here soon..she's running late! Today, I need her badly!

It seems people in relationship forget or don't care about the needs of another (not her - I'm speaking of the past). Even with men; they had their schedule and if you aren't scheduled, the heck with your personal needs.

I miss A very much today. I just need stability today...don't have it. I'm in limbo once against - reality has punched me in the I need to adjust - somehow. Partying comes to mind. God I miss her today. She would invite me to the club where I could drink a bit and dance and be in the moment!

Being in the moment is key...don't think about anything painful from yesterday or the day before..just party. Don't plan on or even dream about the future - it's out of our hands anyway.

Yes, I had a drink..I's wearing off. Did you know alcohol is great for gas? really? I had an Accel gel and if I don't work it off or have one every day for a few days the whey protein in them catches up with me..alcohol (one drink) cuts right through it. No kidding!

It is a little after noon and I had not had anything substantial to eat yet I had sauage, cheese, green pepper and some reall good bread I just bought this morning...very good!

I am about to get onto the online dating racket and see if I can find someone.. My friend T is suppose (I hope) to see if she can fix me up with M, a woman at her work.

Hey, I'm fine.. I can't tell you how many times I have gone through stuff like this in the past! I feel 35 and I have the energy of a 35 year old or younger. I just can't compete! And woman my age or a WRECK! Oh let's be hontest just one time....or some me you are a shapely size 8, you stand up straight, you have a smart ass attitude and know you look fucking good and you have either light brown or blonde hair. I take that back; I have seen some very classy ladies with all white or gray hair...but they were classy! Efficence on CLASSY! That means trim, shapely proud and loving.

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