Tuesday, December 26, 2006

My 800th post...Wow! Emma has pasted!

Well, my 800th post. I believe I began this blog in June of 2005 after I met my SL05 (my 2005 summer love).

Sad news: I had to put Emma down this morning. The poor thing just got too old and her health was rapidly failing. She was past almost sixteen years old. What a wonderful dog she was and what fun. I'll truly miss her.

During the process I consulted with my ex-partner and now neighbor. She said the decision was ultimately mine. I watched Emma rapidly decline. She will be much happier now in doggy heaven.

Other then my sad doggy situation, I had a great weekend. I was out eating and drinking with friends last Thursday and Friday. Saturday I danced my butt off and had a blast. I love to swing/imperial/jigger bug; whatever, you want to call it. Sunday evening I had a warm, comfortable happy by the fire evening. Christmas day my ex and I went to visit our former neighbor. It was great seeing old neighbors and friends.

Now, I suppose things will return back to normal. I am thoroughly cleaning my condo today and hopefully will run, swim and work-out tomorrow. I can't stop - my body looks wonderful! I am the best that I have ever been. This year must be magical for me - for I'll be 60 next year in September. I can't believe it! I'm almost excited to look this good at that age! This year I will concentrate on eating and living healthy so for sure I am the best I can be. Actually, I'm growing younger...rather than older. Remember! We are master's of our universe. After all, we create our own realities; so, might as well go for the gusto and reverse the aging process in the process. Why not?

I had a very happy holiday season so far. I am no longer associated or in touch with my "people" some would call "family"; I don't! The word family means love...and none of that exists in this frightening scenario. My ex says that I do not have to be ashamed of leaving them all behind and telling people that I do not associate with me. So, last evening that is just what I said to people when they asked. Happy holidays!

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