Monday, October 06, 2008

Lehman Bros. a bunch of greedy slobs

Oh, they have homes and bonuses and privatize all the gains and then socialize the losses. No wonder the market is down! Lehman Brothers are nothing but a greedy bunch of crooks they put the profits in their pockets and then expected the U. S. Government to give them a hand out. The share holders have been wiped out because Lehman executives liked like Enron CEO's. There is no compensation committee at Lehman Bros. These guys are crooks! This boozo used to have 10 million shares oh, yeah he cashed in when he knew the ship was sinking! Assholes!

Well, Mr. Bush, Mr. Cheney, and the ghost of Reagan that is where "de-regulation" and negative "over-sight" got this economy!

The Big Shot CEO Crooks are walking away with all the money and the stock market goes down.. not only ours, global markets..because they have lost faith in our economy! I guess it's understandable...regulations were lifted and CEO's were given the green light to rip people off! Thanks Mr. Bush! It's the first time the VP acted as president.. or is it? I believe daddy Bush was the real president during the Reagan years! And before that he was head of the CIA.. much to long to be in Washington and in power.

They changed SEC rules that gave them leaway...of course their lobbyist got govenment to give them leaway.. I hope this big shot CEO of Lehman Bros. takes down this administration.

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