Monday, October 27, 2008

Only one thing wrong with getting older..

..wisdom that comes with experience! After a time of history repeating itself.. it gets old and tiresome watching the rich steal from the poor.

This new Ford Flex gets a surprising 24 MPG. Wow! Hey, vehicles got more than that per gallon in the 80's after the first OPEC fuel crunch! So you see what is going on here don't you? You would have to be brainless not to! They want you to use more oil than ever.. so they get more rich than ever... on their way out ...

Here is what goes on in this country with this government and this economy. The rich get richer at the expense and drain of the average person. This is no democracy. We have no choice of what we drive. It has to be gas! So the oil men make tons of money. They set the price and the mileage and the method! Where is the electric car? We had one! See the DVD "Who Killed the Electric Car?"

If this were a true Democracy and not so much rich capitalist minded imperialism everyone would get a break and this so called people's government would make sure the average citizen would not get ripped off at every turn by every, oil, health care, agriculture and finance.

Ripped off.. there is no one watching out for there? So much for homeland security! Pills are unsafe..and go on the market non-tested and pushed by doctors working for the drug companies. Doctors push them for kick-backs and rebates. Patients pay a fortune of for drugs and insurance that rejects treatments. Lenders push and fast talk poor people into refinancing loans they know the lendee can't afford. They encourage fraud! Banks then sell car salesman styled fraudulent loans likely to default to incident by-standers. Credit companies charge outragious fees. We get ripped off at every turn. There are no regulations in place at all it seems.. much less any that will benefit the average American. We are just the rich man's provider..we skimp so they can get even more fifthy rich.

What's worse - the government doesn't punish but rewards the white collar crooks with bail outs. Where's my bail out?

Should the average American stop paying taxes to protest and get our point across? Oh WE WOULD BE THROWN IN JAIL!

IS it always going to be like this? You know Peloski and Frank had to know about all the deregulating that has been going on for years. And Greenspan? I guess he got bought too? Hey, Roosevelt put regulations into play for a reason - to protect consumers and get large businesses honest! Greenspan said they thought CEO's would use good judgement. Yeah right?

Hey you.. go to work and work three jobs to try to make ends meet. And Bush wouldn't even incrase minimum wage? For years now! You know if they were half way smart.. "they" in high places would increase wages and make sure tax payers made enough to buy all this foreign crap (un-regulated protection laws at all in China). You know George I hope your happy! Now, thanks to the crooks we can't afford homes, cars, insurance, and medications.. which is probably the only good thing. Most seniors are over medicated anyway..taking drugs to mass the ill effects and poor symphoms of other drugs.. instead of rooting out the real cause of the symphoms...drug side effects they merely cover them up.. hey - kickbacks!

And how about the food we buy? Full of corn frutose... I just saw a commercial the other day.. saying it's fine in moderation! I guess word is spreading and people are reading labels to avoid taking frutose.

You know why Soy and Corn are pushed? Because of chemical companies.. making lots of money after getting Washington to deregulate and safety rules. Farmers get substities for so much to be grown. Did you know fertilizer is made from natural gas and of course recommended for farm use. And pesticides? Instead of rotating crops to replenish the soil with nitrotion or doing what Argentia does..three years crops and five years cattle feeding on grass to replenish the soil.. they need no fertilizer or pesticides. Get it? This is a capitalist nation. The government here is for big business - not the environment and not for we the peasants whom they rip off.

If only we could be treated with honesty, integrity, and respect. Ethical..what ever happened to that word? To that cause? I really think that a capitalist nation could still be successful if people were held accountable for their crimes of greed. Is there no honor? Japan can build a decent dependable car? They have honor. We used to see "made in Japan" on everything.. now it's "made in China". I guess we have to buy from them because we borrow from them to buy oil from the Middle East. Does that make sense to you? It doesn't me either? And we spend two billion per month on a needless but it's not needless...we want to be there to protect "our" oil supply. Well, why don't we just make the means and ways to get away from oil.

Oh, but they are afraid! Hey T. Pickens isn't afraid. Oh, he for one, and I thought I would never hear this..but he actually said that "he has enough money". I thought I would never hear that in my life from any rich business man, especially an oil man. I always wondered.. just when is money is enough?

Some people are saints and when they make big bucks.. well enough to help others.. they do! They make me cry.. because sometimes I think that all people with money are nothing but greedy bastards.. well they are.. most of them. They must have small egos..because they have to be showy and pretentuous and flaunt it...without a conscious. They don't care who they hurt along the way. Remember Michael Douglas in the movie called "Wallstreet". The movie was good in the 80's and told the truth then.. big companies buying up all the was a time of "takeovers". Cold! Very cold! In retrospect and aside what goes on today..that was mild by today's standards.

I guess it will all work itself out. I certainly hope so. I wish Obama could step in there right now. But personally I don't think he can do all that much..not when it's evident that both sides of the aisle are for big business...otherwise by now regulations would be put back into place and I sure haven't heard anything about that! If Democrats weren't right in there with big business they would get all 34,000 or more lobbyist out of town by now speaking to them or taking any money from them.

Everyone talks about it but no one does anything about it because it works for the powers that be.. the rich. The middle class is sliding into distinction and poverty and nothing is done to stop the madness but give the evil doers more money to play with. What do we expect when the Secretary of Treasary is from Goldman Sachs? Of course all financial and investment firms are going to get filthy rich out of the so called "financial crisis". Yeah, let's take what we can on the way out...and put into place war and evil that will last past the next ten years.

I simply cannot see where anyone who is a tax payer would vote Republican..they got us into this mess by allowing deregulation so corporations could use unethical tactics to make themselves rich. Of course you know I wouldn't be complaining if the average "Joe" got a piece of that pie. Why don't we? Give us a huge bail out too so we can spend and build the economy... but this administration only takes from us. The American way.. pay taxes and lose social services and get ripped off legally by large corporations who the government only supports and does things for.. not us.

You know corporations could make money if they went green. GM and Chrysler would have no money problems if they would already have the electric car in service. Make it reliable and affortable and they would sell! We will buy! Give us good healthy farms, healthy food, tested drugs, honest loans, dependable honest insurance that pays, decent paying jobs. Green jobs. Solar and wind turbine power. See, there would be money in all the above for everyone...but no.. we live in a let's rip them off environment!

We are conrolled don't think we are not.. they want us poor and living in fear. Fear of terrorist (personally, I think many live in Washington). Who do they go and gay! Oh so honorable.. these Republican Christians! I have a question?

Do poor Christians really think they are going to get more prosperous voting for Republicans who represent only the rich? Well, I hope their god helps us.. we need it.

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