Friday, September 28, 2007

My Energetic Motion

We have the power to change the horoscope for today..

September 28, 2007Shifting With The TideEnergetic Motion

Since our lives are constantly in motion energetically, change is a constant element of our existence. As dynamic as that energy is, it is not random or haphazard in nature—the shifts in energy that are constantly taking place are the result of our choices. The formulation of intention, a change in perspective, or the creation of a goal can transform our lives in blink of an eye.

We think positive thoughts and the world becomes a brighter place. Or we decide who we want to be and become that person. With each passing moment, we are given innumerable opportunities to create change using nothing more than our awareness.

In the span of a single second, our lives can change immeasurably because energy moves at a pace more rapid than anything we can consciously fathom. Though we may not at first be sensitive to the vibrational shifts taking place, our choices are ultimately at the heart of these transformations. We can typically recognize the consequences of key decisions because we anticipated the resultant energetic shifts. But many, if not most, of the choices we make each day are a product of instantaneous reactions, and these still have a significant impact on the energy of our existence.

It is for this reason that we should learn to wield what control we can over these shifts. If we bear in mind that all we think and all we do will shape the existence we know, we can deliberately direct the energetic motion of our lives. Each day, you make an infinite array of decisions that cause energy shifts in the world around you. In many cases, these transitions are almost imperceptible, while in others the change that takes place is palpable not only to you but also to those in your sphere of influence.

Your awareness of the immediate energetic consequences of your thoughts and actions can guide you as you endeavor to make the most of the autonomy that defines you as an individual.

The myriad choices you make from moment to moment, however inconsequential they may seem, represent your personal power, which sanctions you to transform the energetic tide of your existence with nothing more than your will.


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

BEWARE: Gardasil for HPV could be dangerous

« Hillary
BEWARE: HPV vaccine can be dangerous
Hi ladies,
I am not sure how many of you may have young daughters, but be cautious of the Cervical Vaccine, and its side affects. Please read the attached information above. My 14 year old cousin is in the hospital paralyzed at this moment going through a series of testing. The testing has been diagnosed a Guillian-Barre Virus.

When Morgan had her first dose of the vaccine it caused her to sleep for 12 hours, and her parents did not connect that the vaccine was a problem. She is a very active young lady, and loves to sleep, so, they assumed that it was exhaustion.

However, Monday, Morgan had a 2nd dose of the vaccine, and by Tuesday early afternoon she was paralyzed. I am told that there are findings that this vaccine is causing life threatening side-effects. I have not had time to find articles or research connecting the virus with the vaccine, but the medical professionals in Memphis are claiming that they are almost certain that the vaccine is the cause.

And, I just heard from a medical professional friend tonight that Merck is planning to use this vaccine on young women in third world countries. To cut to the chase; for experimental purposes., but of course this is not Merck’s claim.

So, if anyone finds some research to share, please let me know, and I will do the same. And, if there are women with children that have done well with the vaccine, please share your side.
I don’t recall the report, but my plate has been way too full this summer and I have had problems keeping track of things lately, except for what is in front of me. Anyway, Governor Perry attempted to make the vaccine mandatory in Texas, but Congress put a stop to it.
And, I don’t know the whole story of why Vicki, Morgan’s mom agreed to the vaccine. Usually, she will discuss these matters with her sister and I before taking this type of step Then, we research and she will make a final decision. Trust me, she is beating herself up over it. When things calm down for them, then, I will get more of the details.

The argument for compulsory vaccination rests in the historic use of such measures to combat epidemics of serious diseases that were easily spread through casual contact between school aged children. Compulsory vaccination of children has nearly eradicated specific childhood diseases, in part by increasing overall immunity through the herd factor which protects those who have opted out or who cannot be vaccinated for health reasons. The US Supreme Court affirms that the public health benefits outweigh individual liberties (Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 1944)[i].

With an argument also based in the historic use of compulsory vaccinations, opponents point out that while effective, such measures have not been used for rare diseases or for diseases that are transmitted specifically through sexual contact. The sexual and intimate nature of HPV transmission combined with the rarity of cervical cancer negates the public health benefit argument. Unlike some states, Missouri only provides for medical and religious opt-outs, leaving, leaving little recourse for those who oppose mandatory vaccination for a variety of other reasons.

On both sides of the mandate issue, supporters and detractors bolster their arguments by citing specific areas of concern:

Proponents: Approval by the Food and Drug Administration ensures a level of safety. All vaccines have some bad outcomes, and the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) provides compensation such injuries.

Opponents: Gardasil, manufactured by Merck, is believed to have been fast-tracked via the FDA’s Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA, 1992) under which pharmaceuticals pay user fees to the FDA, who developed standards for reduced approval time for new drugs. The recent Vioxx (also Merck) scandal is evidence that the approval process has faults. Missouri only allows religious and doctor-approved medical opt-outs, leaving little recourse for safety concerns. The National Vaccine Information Center is calling on the FDA and CDC to warn that Gardasil should not be combined with other vaccines. Professional groups, such as the Society of Adolescent Medicine and the American Academy of Pediatrics, and independent physicians, such as W. Gary Sherman, M.D., Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Washington University Medical School[ii], support the vaccine but caution the rush to mandate.

Market and politics:
Proponents: The NVICP Program reduces liability to pharmaceutical companies, which, in turn, sparks competition and research for new vaccines.
Opponents: Merck recently stopped aggressive lobbying for compulsory vaccination programs in many states due to public outcry about business influencing politics. Contributions to state candidates and party committees nationwide have totaled $2.45 million since the 2000 election cycle. In Texas, Merck donated thousands of dollars to key political races, and lobbyists have been directly tied to the Governors’ office. Between 2001 and 2004, Merck donated $38,000 to Missouri races and spent $2,000 on lobbying. Information on 2006–2007 lobbying expenditures is not available through the Missouri Ethics Commission at this time.

Cost, access, and disparity:
Proponents: The current cost for the three-dose vaccine is $360, which is cost-prohibitive for low-income women. Legislation will mandate access to vaccines for all females of certain ages.
Opponents: Screening is responsible for the dramatic decrease in cancer rates. Despite increased affordability of vaccines, there is concern that without statewide screening, the disparity between urban and rural cancer rates will continue. An appropriate use of funding would include insuring affordable and accessible screening throughout the state, including every rural county.

Gender issues:
Proponents: compulsory vaccination will ensure protection even for those girls whose mothers who might be negligent about voluntarily vaccination.
Opponents: The vaccine has only been fully tested and approved for females despite the fact that males also carry the virus. Additionally, mandating compliance with vaccination implies that women are not capable or responsible enough to make informed decisions about their sexual health. Mandating vaccination for females who will ultimately bear the burden of risk and safety raises questions of ownership of female bodies and eliminates responsibility for heterosexual males. Men who have sex with men and men living with HIV/AIDS need access to HPV vaccines.

Sexual Promiscuity, Parental Rights, and Opt-Out Provisions:
Proponents: There is no evidence to indicate that being protected from HPV will lead to promiscuity.
Opponents: Conservative groups predict an increase in sexual promiscuity. These groups object to state control over their children as they override the rights of parents to make decisions in the best interest of their children. These groups use the same arguments to block comprehensive sex education and to promote abstinence-until-marriage policies and funding.
Possible unintended consequence: The concern over sexual promiscuity could lead to a strengthened policy and funding support for sexuality education in the schools to be totally eliminated or more restricted to abstinence-until-marriage. This is a critical consideration based on evidence that knowledge about sexual health options increases screening, which ultimately reduces HPV and cancer.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fired because they are gay?

Are people just plain sick? What does sexual orientation have to do with job performance? Read the following. Sometimes, I'm ashamed to be a member of the human race. What is wrong with people? Why are they so prejudice?

Dear Friend,
You love your job. Your supervisors give you top ratings. Then, one day, a colleague finds out you're gay. A week later, you find your desk emptied into a box. You're fired. The reason? Your sexual orientation.
Here's the worst part: firing you for being gay was 100% legal. It's an outrage. In 31 states, you can be fired solely because you're gay – and if you're transgender, that's 39 states.
After years spent laying the groundwork, the Human Rights Campaign is poised to end this injustice by helping pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). This vital legislation is likely to come up for a vote in Congress in the coming weeks – and we need your voice.
Tell your Representative to stand up for GLBT equality in the workplace before the House votes this month!
What's even more outrageous is that the radical right is fighting to keep this legislation from passing. They're using scare tactics to fire up their base, saying things like:
"ENDA will force businesses with 15 or more employees to accommodate homosexuals, drag queens, transsexuals, and even she-males in their employment practices and facilities."1
It's absurd. And their campaign to enshrine hatred and bigotry in the American legal code will only intensify – they're putting major resources into blocking our progress, by flooding Congress with lies and misinformation.
We need your help to make sure your lawmakers know:
Current federal law protects workers against discrimination based on their race, gender, religion, national origin, and disability—but NOT based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
ENDA is NOT about special treatment. It does not excuse poor job performance. It simply gives gay and transgendered workers the same rights and protections as their colleagues.
Nearly 90% of Fortune 500 companies now include sexual orientation in their non-discrimination policies. It's time the government caught up with the private sector.
Our momentum is growing in the House. And Americans overwhelmingly agree that GLBT people should have equal employment opportunities. But sometimes it only takes a vocal anti-gay minority to derail legislation like this. We must spread the truth, today.
Send a message to your Representative in support of GLBT workers' rights.
We live in a country that was founded upon the principle of equal opportunity. Yet centuries later, that principle does not apply to GLBT Americans.


Monday, September 24, 2007

Can it get any better?

Can it get any better? I had a fabulous 60th birthday! I feel younger than 40 so it is hard for me to make sense of the number. Besides 60 is the new 40 isn't it... I can vouch for that!

I celebrated and partied all weekend. My sweet friends threw me surprise bash Saturday evening. I love them! They are priceless!

This evening my golfing buddies took me to dinner. I feel very fortunate to have such wonderful friends. We shared many stories and laughs.

I think I was about at my best for turning 60. I always want to be at my best for a milestone birthday. I run, swim, and bike to stay fit... hopefully, I'm succeeding. I need to drop about eight pounds and I will be happier about my weight. I'll be fine! I'm beginning to make healthier food choices and I feel better already.

I am most grateful to the universe for all of my many wonderful blessings bestowed upon me throughout my life. The universe rocks. My guardian angels are the best! I am so blessed. Thank you for all of my safety. I know you watch over me and protect me, my friends, and my car. I want it to last. No car payments for me! I just want it to keep running good with

I am beginning to connect the dots and see where life (the universe) has been taken me. I believe that my purpose (well, this one anyway) was to deliver my friend to a channel er so she could hook up with a deceased lover whom she had had an affair with many years before. And the year before the woman's partner died.

Well, I did deliver my friend to the channel er who called up Ezekiel and spoke with my friend. Nailed her actually! Then asked if she wanted to speak to anyone. She said yes and he said well she is standing right behind you.. She patiently paces. My friend and she chatted for a bit and then my friend asked if she saw her lover there on the other side. Was she with her?

No she said and I miss her. Ezekiel asked my friend the woman's last name and she gave it to him and then he says. He flies here and into the arms of her lover. They melt together.

It was a magical day for me. The best! I felt I actually had a real purpose and too found out that I am getting more knowledgeable of the after life. They are a heartbeat away! I believe that they are everywhere. I believe that Edy has been working on me since at least 2004 (she died in the fall of 2003) to get me to get her very close friend, my lover, there to speak with her.

When I met my friend she spoke fondly and often of Edy and her partner Georgette. They both died within one year of each other; both in their 80's. I knew Edy believed in the after life and I felt that she wanted to speak with my friend. I asked my friend if she had every been to a channel-er and she said no and seems skeptical but she agreed to go when I said. "I think Edy would like to speak to you". So I wasn't surprised when she did.

My mission has been completed. I wonder if my friend's deceased friend has any more plans and ideas for me? I feel so lucky! I know they watch out over me! I am truly blessed and grateful for all of my many blessings.

It's late and I am very sleepy after filling my belly with wonderful food. We had a party of twelve and swapped many stories and jokes.

This morning I was up early and ran five miles, swam a half mile and walked about four miles back taking the shorter route.

Sunday, I and four friends rode a 35 miles organized bike ride and truly enjoyed myself. I drank margarita's however the night before and struggled just a wee bit! My friend wanted for me while the marathoner took the lead. They all could keep up with her as I struggled. Guess I need an even more expensive bike. No I really don't need a more expensive bike because the leader of the pack has a bike identical to mine. It was a good workout for me...especially after a night of partying. But being with loving friends who threw me a bash..priceless.!

Tomorrow I may swim again. I do yoga every morning. I'll work on my art projects and take it a little easy tomorrow and try to read and write too.

I thank the universe again. I'm glad I had a hand in helping my friend deceased lovers re-unite in love and happiness. I'm right there with them...we all need and deserve the best!

Time to sleep but I'm too exiting! My eyes fall shut and I struggle to get them to open once again and then I have to find my place....again and again!

I'm glad I could be of service reunited my friend with her deceased friends and getting them back together again. They owe me - big time with plenty of magical moments... and I know they are coming. The universe is with me. Thanks for my many blessings of good health, intelligence, golf and safety. Got to go!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The happiest yet!

Tomorrow I will be sixty and I can't wait. This is the happiest I have ever been in my life!

My life is magical, mystical, wonderful and filled with love and newly fround friends and spirit guides. I'm soaring above new heights and feats of accomplishments. I need only to get out of my own way and trust in the magic of life and the other side. They are there waiting to help make my life magical!

I can't wait!

My Spirit Past Story

Here's the story. You won't believe it - or will you?

I believe my mission began somewhere around 1992 when a friend talked me into going to a psychic fair. Inexperienced and very sceptical I got into the longest line assuming those people knew who was most credible.

I was nailed and have visited the same channeler at least annually since and always he has beenright on, this Ezekiel spirit.

I now believe that a spirit, another spirit, guided me not through Ezekiel through my beliefs and acceptance of the afterlife.

I believe she led me through various stages and changes in my life to serve a purpose for herself. I know exactly when she was guiding me, because at the time, I felt most confident and sure of what I wanted to do. There was no doubt in my mind at all. My actions felt right and dead on.

First I fell in love. She was my catalyst to change. I had been unhappy in my relationship with my long term partner and negative family. I have since left them both. Then I met her this new person in my life.

I believe that my so called self appointed, slightly self serving spirit guide led me through these changes. Unbeknownst to me, I was aiding her in "her" mission to be reunited with your thirty year life partner also deceased.

Now for my new affair. I had seen in the past introduced to me through mutual friends. We smiled in passing always preoccupied. There was something about her. I felt she was interested in me. Two years of casual passing then came 2006 and I entered the same event she always enters. There, we shared a heart felt, detailed, and soulful conversation. We both wanted, it appeared, the same thing. We parted that day. But, I had the strong urge to track her down at her work place and invite her over to my place for an afternoon of what we both wanted and needed. She came. We shared intimacy that day and it has continued.

My friend spoke lovingly and proudly of her deceased friend, Edy and Edy's lover, Georgette. Both deceased now. Edy in 2003 and Georgette the year before. My friend told me of the time she and Edy met; of how, Edy claimed my friend was an alien from another world. Edy claimed she knew my friend in an earlier life. They became close; even intimate. Edy belief in the after life may be think that Edy would like to speak to my friend through Ezekiel.

I believe now that my mission was to get my friend to speak with Ezekiel because Edy wanted to communicate with my friend; maybe even had a wanted favor.

Well, after some thinking about it I mentioned Ezekiel several times to my friend and each time she said she would go but had never spoken to a psychic before and wasn't sure if she believed in it. I said. "I think Edy would like to speak to you". It was what I felt.

So I made the appointment. She first, than me. Later, when we got to my condo, I listened to my friend's taped session and was blown away by it. First of all Ezekiel nailed her...said she was stubborne (in her general life). Said I was her main love (I already knew that..somehow). Then Ezekiel asked if my friend wished to speak to anyone?

"Edy" my friend responded without hesitation. "She is standing, waiting, pacing back and forth behind your chair." Ezekiel said. Ezekiel translated. After some short loving casualness my friend asked Edy if she was with Georgette?

Edy responded. "No, and I miss her." Ezekiel asked if she wanted to invite her to come forward and I guess Edy nodded. "What is Georgette's last name?" Ezekiel asked my friend and she told him. He repeated it and in a flash she comes. Ezekiel said. "My, she comes fast".

Ezekiel describes Edy and Georgette's re-uniting as a melting together, with loving laughter and warmth. I believe they remain together now. I was blown away when I listened to the tape and firmly believed that my mission was to get my friend there so Edy could speak with her and Ezekiel and could be re-united with Georgette. See, I believe Georgette was still upset about the affair that Edy had with my friend in years past. And this day, all was forgiven so all could move on.

I feel that their reunion was my mission bestowed upon me by Edy herself. A wonderful life fulfilling, magical mission. Silently, I claim ( and I know she hears me) that Edy owes me "one" or "many". That afternoon after we listened to the tape, we both silently, consciously, in my sub-consciously, invited them into our bedroom. We felt their presence and it was magical!

I continue to invite them. I believe that life, death and the after life is a form of consciousness and only thoughts away. We are all connected. It's all so magical knowing that I have friends in very high places. I feel honored and a step above those who are unknowing of this spiritual connection we all could share.

I felt a little down and lost realizing this mission was over, so I offer to aid in more missions but I want Edy's help. I want my life to be magical and bursting with love. There is a love that I miss. Although very brief, she and I connected on a heart and soul level so magically. I think about her often. She is the woman I mention in the beginning; the one I fell so in love with. She was my catalyst to change. It's been three years now and I think of her all the time. Someone once told me that "it's not over yet - you'll see her again". I know I needed a kick start to change my life then. Some people get sick; I fell in love! I guess it had to be as deep as it was. Back then I told my ex that .. "It's bigger than both of us!" Our time together has come to an end because we both have missions and different paths to explore.

In my heart I knew the journey I was beginning was something of a special mission, powered by someone or something much brighter and stronger than myself and it certainly proved to be true. Edy guided me the whole way by making me feel secure and sure of my decisions and actions and with following through with them. I had no doubt but knew that I was doing the right thing. I loved that feeling and want to feel it again.

I want to feel sure footed and destined knowing quite well my journey is spiritually driven. I can't yet and am excited about my new adventure. Who knows maybe I'm on it now. In some way I feel that I am.

My journey is to show example I believe and to teach that we are all powerful spirits here visiting in human form.

Approaching Sxity FAST

and loving it!

I've come a long way to this place of freedom of body, mind, and spirit. I'm in a good place; the best! I'm free!

I've learned to read faces and pick up on thoughts seen through clouded eyes, laugher and tears. I've hurt and been hurt and moved on. I've freed myself. We all need to free ourselves for no one is more important than another; no one! No one should feel they have to sacrifice their happiness and safety for another no matter what religious fanatics may espouse.

I've listened to human voices speaking to spirits in the after life through channeled spirits and I believe spirits can be as close as a heatbeat away. We can communicate with spirits through out thoughts. Thoughts create realities.

I've learned to unlearn evil religious teachings of torment, guilt, shame and unworthiness. I've left that all behind as it should be. I am recovering still but have escaped the religious right heavy thumb of evil and self-serving control over others.

I've learned we are endless not knowing where our spirit begins or ends. We are fluid and flow into past, present and future lives.

I am in touch with the spirit world. I've made my mark. I'm in with high standings. I have completed my mission - well that one mission (that I am aware). There is so much more to come but I have my spirit friends now to watch over me.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Her health care policy may have gotten dead ended by the Republican majority in 1993, but she is full steam ahead now.

If the Republicans would have picked up the slack in the past ten years we would not be in the poor health care shape that we are in; which is just one of the many owes the Republicans have left Hillary to clean up. It takes a woman!

When it comes to raising children, she might have written "It Takes a Village" but when it comes to cleaning up political messes it very clear to see that it takes a no nonsense woman. And she can put a whole sentence together, a paragraph, a health care plan. All Bush and daddy were able to do was read the prompters and play evil doing with their big business cronies. Bush is a puppet, an industrial puppet whom big business took pure advantage. Hillary will have guide lines when it comes to her new health care plan where everyone wins. If you like the plan you have, keep it. She explains her plans where Bush just mentioned them and never said how he was going to accomplish anything. It's because he let everything up to the "free-for-all". And like most men able to run amok, they messed everything up. Because for one thing no one worked together for the great good of the American people. Bush gave us flimsy lip service no one believed anyway. The American people know the attacks and the war was planned. The American people know the Republicans were representing corporate greed and allowing them to out source job and off shore business to avoid paying taxes.

Timing is everything! Republican ignored the fraud and scandalous activities of big business, leaning companies, banks, and crooked politicians who have made a total mess of everything. Just take a look at the tumult in Iraq amongst all the 100,000 corporations running amok there. It's mass confusion and a total waste of taxpayer money all so the Bush dynasty can keep their greedy fingers in the oil and claim the oil as their own. Trust me, you will never see a decent American made hybrid, getting more than 25 MPG because these guys want to see oil! Don't you get it? And then they talk about an electric car. Oh but first they have to build a good battery that will go zero to sixty in four seconds or less. It's all dramatics at best. They said the average American wants speed and power. The American auto makers feed us this bull, thinking they will persuade our logic and thinking. They want to sell oil. I can tell you right now that battery will never be perfected. See the DVD "Who killed the Electric Car" and see the truth! Bush killed the electric car! They would rather see people choke to death from fumes and die of illness then to actually govern for the people and not there own greed and want of world power!

We, this country, needs Hillary! It's a damn shame when Canada, England and France and other foreign countries have much better heath care then us. They do. It's this country that feeds us a line of bull telling us that socialized medicine is a scam. It's not! Of course people in these countries pay high taxes but they get good and quick service and many days off. Plus there are incentives to getting and staying healthy. Something Hillary should incorporate into her health care plan. But, the health care system in this country would go broke if everyone got healthy that is why no one stresses exercise. Exercise is key for good health. And good exercise the kind where you sweat. When I was growing up it was unladylike to perspire. Men just didn't want women showing them up. Men wanted every woman to get a cheerleader. Woman are so gullible and hungry for a compliment. They think men are gods, because they were raised to think men are gods. Trust me, men are not gods! Number one, they cannot multi-task; number two, they one think about their immediate gratification. Number three, they haven't a clue nor do they care how they actions affect others. They are total narcissists.

Trust me Hillary will get this mess straightened up (with a democratic congress - its in the bag) and our country running smoothly. Of course she has to work with big business and get them to cooperate by giving them incentives; but she'll get the job done. The policies will be more balanced being helping business and the people. Bush's policies were all greedy one sided ploys to make CEO's rich and rip off the American worker and decline the middle class. Just how ignorant is that? Where will the tax dollars come from if there are no middle class workers?
As usual the Republicans get everything in such a mess and then they bail. Bill Clinton had to clean up after old man Bush, now Hillary has to clean up after junior boy idiot puppet working for mad daddy who never got over losing to Bill.

I believe that we cannot have a president from a "rich" background. The Bush dynasty is made up of bankers, auto and oil people. Read Kevin Phillips' "An American Dynasty". It's a real eye opener.

And we don't want a war mongol veteran in office either. Jesus, haven't we had enough war? I'm sick of it! And all for profiteering! See the DVD: "Iraq for sell: a war for profiteering".
Hey, Christians are not holier than thought, so get off of that fake bandwagon. Christians are out to make a buck just like Bush. I think we all know what it takes to be a good person without crucifying homosexuals and women who have abortions out of desperation and silent rapes. I can never understand Christian (and Bush) logic that abortion (a very personal decision which should be made soley by the woman - no men involved - no parents involved - solely by the woman) is wrong while killing innocent men, women in children during war is alright? What? It's Christian to pick and choose whatever fits their pocket books.

I hate the Catholic church. I was raised in that concentration camp of shame, guilt and sin. It's all bull shit for "their" power and greed. It's a forest, a scam!

We are not idiots, we know what it takes to be nice to each other and honest and honorable and to have integrity and use ethics. Gee, all the above, so foreign to Washington and religion Mr. Haggard, Mr. Craig, and so many more who are such hypocrites.

We need a drastic change in Washington and around the country. Just as Bush thinks he can do, I think I'll speak for the American people and say we are tired of being made fools of. We want decent balanced government by the people for the people. In France people march every day and make demands and get what they want. There, the government is afraid of the people and works with the people

Monday, September 17, 2007

I think it's interesting ...

that Allan Greenspan's book "The Age of Turbulance" came out the day before the Federal Reserve is to meet to discuss and adjust the interest rates for purpose of easing the mortage industry.

Senator Dobb (he is running for Democratic President) named all the things that the Republicans left wrong and I'm sure will leave wrong and broken to be handed down to the new "democratic" president...Hillary...dare I speculate?

She's going to have a mess to clean up: Poor economy, lose of jobs, lack of affordable health insurance, illegal immigrants by the thousands crossing our borders everyday, global warming which is becoming even more serious then what was thought...Greenland is melting three times faster then thought a few years the oceans will rise 21 inches are more and we will lose the southern portion of Florida.

Then there is the war. It will be up to Hillary to straighten out that mess too. Old man Bush left her husband Bill Clinton with an extreme debt too and he cleared it up in six years. Old man Bush was/is an oil monger too who wants to rule the world. Even Allan Greenspan admits we wanted into Iraq to tap into the oil supply. We want to make sure that we control the oil sort! So don't think the American auto makers will go hybrid, hydrogen cell, or total electric for a long, long time. In my opinion their futurtistic commercials are just that...way in the future. They have no thoughts of moving away from where the money truly is; and this is in oil.

Hillary can handle it (besides we get two presidents for the price of one...what a deal)! Women are used to multitasking and cleaning up messes left by men. Take the typical family for an example. Remember the Dagwood shows of the 50's where Blonde coached and cleaned up after her husband. There you are!

I agree so with Sally Field's statement when she received her Emmy for playing a mother on a popular show. Her statement went something like this: "Maybe if more mothers were running the show there would be a lot less 'war'! She got bleeped out while the camera was moved away and off of her. But, she managed to get her point across! Way to go!

Another guy who accepted the Emmy for the Sopranno's managed to get his dig in too by saying. "Maybe if gangster ran Washington; oh, maybe they do..." He got his point across too!

Well one thing for certain, the Republicans will manage to find someone to blame their woes on...while old man Bush was president during the 1987 Black Tuesday, he blames Allan Greenspan.

Yeah, gangsters in Washington! People who are trying to reverse Roe vs Wade yet declaim murder is okay, actually encouraged, during war time. Yes, men love their war games!

When will the greed end?

I Rest My Case

Testosterone in Womb Linked to AutismAn 8 year study of 253 children found that fetuses exposed to high levels of the male sex hormone testosterone are at a higher risk of developing autistic traits in childhood. These results support earlier animal research linking brain development to fetal levels of the hormone. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by marked deficits in communication and social interaction. Though the data showed a link between fetal testosterone levels and autism, it is not yet clear whether the hormone plays a causal role in the disorder. More on the subject...

Monday, September 10, 2007

Drive me nuts!

Sorry, but door slamming men get on my last fucking nerve. What is it with them? Can't they TURN the knob and gently pull the fucking door closed? Evey thing is a bang and a slam. I'll be glad when the mother fucker moves out! Moron!

They are as single minded and as stupid as the day is long. Can you tell I have NO use for them. They can only do one thing at a time. They're stupid. The guy as no manners. He has more shit hanging on his SUV than anyone I have ever seen. He leaves two sets of kayak holder and a huge bicycle rack that sticks way out in the back on his car all the time. It never comes off. Then he has a motorcycle.

The man slams everything constantly the whole time he is at home. He gets on my last fucking nerve. He has concrete under his feet and yet he shakes my condo above him when he walks (?). He sounds like he is bouncing coolers against the wall. I'm telling you, the guy is a fucking moron. I hate men!

When the young couple that own the place lived below me, I never heard a peek. This guy is one fucking idiot. It's like - hey everybody make sure you see me! God I can't stand him.

It's a constant banging and shaking. I hope he leaves very soon. why didn't this young couple rent to a nice young woman? Men are always noisy because they have no conscious and cannot see how their behavior or actions affect other people. They are single and simple minded and I can't stand them.

He's always in a hurrry and everything he does is so fucking important - yeah right!

Can you tell I hate men? I don't trust them because they are always planning and trying to fuck something up, or cheat something or get out of something and they blame every one else for their own stupidity and ignorance.

Here is still banging. He has been home for thirty fucking, constant banging, minutes. The idiot wouldn't know how to be quiet if something snack him in the face. His kid is just like him only never shuts up. The kid (or rather the old man) has every fucking toy there ever was. Men are self-indulgent, loud, and stupid. I wouldn't have one!

Go away! Go move in with some woman. She doesn't look very happy either - his girlfriend and it looks like he treats her like fucky shit. Walks in front of her. He doesn't ride with the woman and the kid but takes his motorcycle. I'd say he is just a wee tad spoiled.

Move away. Move a woman in anytime. Women make more sense and some at least express some common decency and are quiet. Except for real butch woman who think they have to try to prove themselves all the time. They make me sick too. Must be the overload of testosterone. Makes me want to puke!

He is still's a constant banging. Like he picks things up three feet from the floor and then drops it. It's constant. Hurried and the minute he walks in the fucking door (after he slams it, of course). Fucking moroon!

Hope he leaves soon, so I can continue my painting and I want to sculpture too! Go away - Moron!

Friday, September 07, 2007


Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)
The days ahead may be more social than you expect, and you might be required to put out a lot of energy for the sake of others. Don't get so involved in everyone else's affairs that you lose track of what's important for you. Do what is expected of you early in the day so you can have flexibility to withdraw later on.

It's what I want to do this weekend...nothing much! Tomorrow morning I'll meet up with the running group; then possible attend the street art festival if it is not raining.

Sunday morning I'm scheduled to do a biathlon. Once again, for the fourth year in a roll, I'l be glad when it's over. Why do I fret these silly, needless, events? I did the last ten miles with
a flat tire and met a lover last year. Guess it doesn't get more interesting than that.

It's our one year anniversity so we both, ( and now in our 60th year - imagine that?) have vowed to make it an annual anniversity event. I wonder is a card of gift involved. Guess
I better get one. I'm not good at gift giving. Just not good at it.

Maybe I'll give her a candle in crystal (sort of) that I made. The heart, or the chocolate kiss?
And a love card.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Might have lost my purpose, need a new one

Yes, I'm feeling rather lost today. Unguided, is the word to describe my feelings. I no longer have a specific spiritual purpose. I'll try to find another by allowing myself to be open to the universe.

You see I believe that since November 2004 when my partner and I of 15 years split; my idea, because I felt I was on a mission "bigger than the both of us".

My catalyst? I fell in love. Head over heels with another woman. That right there told me I was in the wrong relationship; that my needs were not getting fulfilled.

I however now believe that the past three years were guided by souls passed over. One in particular, Edy. I believe she wanted to hook up with her also deceased partner, Georgette. They were together on earth for thirty years.

When Edy met my friend (lover) several years ago she said that my friend was an alien and from another planet. I don't think she was kidding. She believed that she knew her from another lifetime.

Edy died in November 2004 and her partner of 30 years the year before. I think since then Edy has been trying to unite with Georgette on the otherside but need help. Here is where I enter the picture. In November of 2004 my long term partner and I split and I began going to Ezekiel, a spirit guide, channeled by a local woman. I think Edy saw a common thread in the situation. I was a runner, so was my now present lover and her ex lover of an affair.

My mission should I accept to enter the challenge, was to get my lover to Ezekiel so Edy could talk to her. I did that this past week. And my friend asked Edy if she saw Georgette. Edy said no (through Ezekiel, of course) and that she would love to see her because she missed her very much. Ezekiel asked my friend what Georgette's last name was and Georgette was there in Edy's spiritual arms in a flash. They melted together Ezekiel explained and re-united.

My job was done. So what happens now to mine and my friend's relationship? I love the sex. But we truly have nothing much in common. we really don't click. She is pre-occupied and unavailable. She began as an afternoon lover. I guess it's my mistake. I invite her along to things and I shouldn't. But my friend liked her and wanted to meet her. I might be really to bail. If only lesbians were more available. But, unlike gay men, they tend to stay in long term relationships where I think gay men maintain a larger network of friends and lovers. Nothing wrong with that. I believe men maintain their independence; where as lesbians intertwine and blend together. The stronger personally winning out and that is the part that I don't like.

But, I guess in this situation, I am the stronger personality. I believe it's the one who loves less who gains the most ground and leads the way.

Of course, we all want the perfect being as our lover and partner and I guess that will never happen. But, man you look at some of these egotistical lesbian couples and they act like their life is so perfect and that they have found the key. I say, live it up, it's temporary. And it's always the perfect couples trying to fix up the single ones. Makes me want to puke! I say give'em ten years.

I also think the couple who have passed over can have sex through me and my partner as we are having sex. Or maybe she saw us having sex and wanted some of her own. Cause she said she can't do what she wants and as soon as Georgette got there she was as happy as can be.

Yes, sad to say, I guess my mission is over. They are connected now and as a resolve I am unconnected and feel at loose ends. Maybe Ezekiel will send me another mission. I don't care. I need to feel connected with the other side because I find it fasinating.

I do, today, miss the good doctor. I need her in my life.

Time to go, I'm due at the art class and I need to find the location of the building. This should be interesting.

have a great day