Thursday, November 13, 2008

blungering idiots

in Washington seem to be bumping into each other.. and no one is knowing who's doing what or what to do next?

Of course Republicans are adamating in favor of only helping CEO's and larger know the ones who got us into this trouble anyway by there greedy creative methods of ripping off the American tax payer. But Republicans don't deal with us pions only big shot crooks in Washington and on Wall Street.

So guess that's not going to well so today Paulson said money is going to banks and brokerage.. not sure now. But it's all very scary.

I think China got a bail out and their market's went to health! The whole world economy is going to hell.

Thomas L. Friedman who wrote "Flat, warm and crowded" thinks we should not bail out the American auto companies. Why? Because they spent most of their profits on ads trying to get Americans in big gas guzzlers when the could have used that money to develop new hybrids (that got decent mileage)and electric plug in cars.

Let's face it.. the Republicans have made the biggest mess in history during the whole eight years and now that they have set up this miserable mess they are "bailing"! What a bunch of losers and masters of greedy lobbyist.. I hope they are all happy while America starves? What a bunch of crooks. Them alone with their big shot buddy CEO's picking profits in their pockets.. and bail out money too, I'm sure.. Well, they go unregulated so it's a free for well!

The president's job is to monitor and regulate and set restrictions and make sure people are treated propering and without treatery.. but of course Republicans only work for people of money! Bush is the worse pesident I think I have ever seen!

If he was a man, I mean a man - he would work with Obama now to get things in place to help the tax payers of this country.. the poor who are losing their money, homes, and jobs. What kind of an idiot is this man? He hasn't a clue! And no I don't fee sorry for him.. being the president is not some silly game you get into to one up your brother or to please your daddy! Daddy too was pissed because he lost to Clinton and then spent the whole eight years trying to tear Clinton down. And daddy Bush was pissed because he couldn't get Saddam Hussien.. so junior thinks he's going to get in there and save the day and be a big shot to his daddy. Trust me Cheney was running the show for daddy.. anyway what a mess! No one wins here. Well except big shot daddy's friends CEO crooks.. because since Reagan de-regulations and no over sight or restrictions lead the way.. and CEO's had a free for all and took the money and ran. This stuff went on way back when with Enron and Stupid Bush didn't have a clue!

Seems Paulson doesn't have a clue either. No wonder other countries hate us... for our "let bankers, CEO's and wall street run amok" attitude.

A president is supposed to over see, regulate and restrict the amount of money CEO people can make! It's not that hard to figure out Bush.... When lobbyist demand you merely say "NO!" So now we're in this mess that this last administration has created. Clinton left things in fine shape desspire all the crap Republicans tried to dish out and Bush managed in only 8 years to place this economy in near disaster! What fools!

Yes, the big three spent all their money trying to brain wash men mostly into living like their daddys and driving stupid retro gas guzzlers. What fools? What oil fools? This is the 21st century.. act like it! Cars need to be smaller.. we look ignorant and foolish. Like we don't give a damn about the environment.. like we don't give a damn about bundling and shipping off bad debt, knowing I might add, to other countries. How a bunch of losers... I'm actually feeling hoplessliess and embarrassed! All I have to say is that they better gets their acts together and work together.. and stop acting like stupid idiots and fix this mess! Instead they are probably all scambling around like a bunch of chickens trying to suck out the last dollar they can for themselves.

Joe lieberman is an embarrassment!

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