Friday, November 07, 2008

thanks for the faith of HATE

Preachers who get up in church and damn the gay and order their people to vote for Proposition 8 in California to ban gay marriage! are ass holes! And their stupid parishoners voting for it because the stupid ass preacher said he could get thrown in jail for speaking out and not marrying gay people if the prosposition didn't get passed and gays were permitted to "marry" are ass holes too! There! You hate me I hate you! How does it feel! I'm a lesbian and I'm pissed as hell!

I hate Chrisitans and their bigoted preachers! How dare you in the name of the creator, who created me, a lesbian, dare speak out against the creator.. like you know better? Like god makes mistakes. Just what have we done to you? Just how egotisticial and hypocritical are you? How dare you? Who will you discriminate against next?

First of all state and church are supposed to be separate! I am a tax payer.. I pay for the same rights that you straight people pay for - all those thousands of benefits that married people get to benefit from.. we don't because we can't get married.. only because you are bigoted and buy the government? Just how do you get away with being tax exempt is what I want to know... chruches should should pay their damn taxes like everybody else especially if they are going to preach and dictate policy? Where do you think you get the right to amend the consitituion or try too!

Preachers have told their parishioner that the state will have to teach homosexual in schools and they too don't want their precious "marriage" shit shared by gay people.. like we have a contagious disease! I'm using strong language today because I am very angry!

Where do straight people have the audacity and the gall to look down on gay people? Where? From preachers who have decided to claim themselves god! GOD created me.. in his own image and likeness..I learned that in Catholic school. God didn't discriminate. So why are these preachers? Are they theselves gay and struggling with it??

People this is what ruins a democrarcy - bigotry and biasis and one-up-man-ship! I hate Christian holier than though and lies to the parishioners that they could be arrested if they preach against gay teachings. For one thing the preachers lied.. schools would not be forced to "teach" homosexuality!

And usually the loudest anti-gay preacher.. is gay himself and struggling with it! Like Ted Haggart types! And hypocritical types like Larry Craig who marry for show and then live the "down low" life. There are many men out there who are married and sneaking around with other men for sex..

I'm just very tired of all this crap! Can't we just love one another? Isn't that what GOD, really intended.. We gays were put here so you ass hole Christians could learn a lesson or two I guess but so far it doesn't seem to be taking..

So, gays have to suffer because of Christian stupid bigotry and ignorance! I swear to god, these preachers must be gay themselves because otherwise why would they even care! I hate Christians! They live in a harrow tunnel with blinders on.. they are so perfect and everyone else is a lesser human! They live in the suburbs because they are better than minority groups. They won't right the Metro but drive gas guzzling SUV for show.. oh we're rich and we're right and we can flip out these babies like no bodies business! Because we are perfect!

Remember the Christian Crusades? They killed people who rejected Christianity! Oh, but their anti-abortion! Oh please! Yeah the rest of the world are sinners if they don't follow the Christian puppet path of most holier than god preachers! May all their children be gay!

You know it like kids: I won't play with you because my mom and dad say you are different! I'm better than you. Your parents don't make as much money as mine! Your clothes aren't as pretty and store bought like mine! See this is what I'm saying. Chrisitans are the damest biggest hypocrites, evil doers that there are. More wars were caused over religion.. more deaths! And their business of realigion is tax exempt! Do you believe that?

They preach hate.. there really is no need for any religion in this country? Why, Sprituality is free! We are all spirits living here on earth as human beings! We we read and learn about our spirits (our minds, our hearts) we know that we don't need any religious sect to belong to! The golden rule: "Do undo others as you would have them do to you" is all you need to know and "love thy neighbor as thyself". Is all you need to know!

Religious organization are merely out to make money for themselves and not have to pay taxes on it! You believe that shit? So much for separation of church and state! What a bunch of hypocrites! Am i mad? You damn right I'm mad! It's separatism, it spreading hate.. you are in a way threatening my life! The church in it's own way of spreading hate and belittleing me is spreading hate and threatening my life.. causing people to hate me and look at me like I have a disease! How dare you! How dare you!

But see you don't see gay people returning the hate and acting like fools like Christians do.. do you see gay people marching in front of churches spreading hate? No you don't!

How dare you.. treat people like this? Its a sin! To hate - is a sin!

Like Whoopie says, if you are not gay than don't marry a gay person! But, stupid ass Elisabeth, miss staunch perfect hollow head republican, says oh but mandatory teaching about homosexuals in schools would be put into law with not passing proposition 8. The preacher pushed that one.. and you know that's not true.. half that stuff in elementary and high school text books is manipulated anway.. oh yeah, sure, Iraq attacked us.. the terorist were from Iraq.. is what they put in the textbooks in case you didn't know! Hello there terrorist were from Afghanistan!

We must protect the sancity of marriage like gay people are going to dirty it by being able to be married!...But, personnally I think it's all political and Christians are working for politican, Republicans mostly to call gay unions "Civil Unions" - you know why? So they can try to get around granting gay people the 1000+ legal benefits that married people get - I think that is what this is really all about!

Hey and I got news for you.. there are more than 10% gays in this population.. if all closeted pretending to be straight gays came out.. I would guess that there are anywhere between 30 to 40% at least gay people in this population! But for some reason.. Christians and all relgious sects are so against gay people? Why? It's love for Christ sake.. and god created us all in his own image and likeness! What in the world is wrong with being gay? How am I hurting that precious married Christian family cranking out kids one right after the other? How am I hurting them? I don't care what you do.. well I didn't but now you are many me well aware of your presence into MY business.. which isn't really any of your business. And homosexuality is not contagious and it can't be taught - you idiots! It's random.. either you are born gay or you are not.. period.. And once more there is no mid-stream... Oh, another money making scheme for holier than thou Christians..

Christians claiming they can "correct" and "change" homosexuals into being straight people! It's nothing but a money making scheme; a scam! It's so sad.. I watch one day as parents were dropping off the gay kids to a church to be bain washed I guess into being straight - how sad they looked.. I cried for them! Of course I sure the four day, sure to change for $1000. bucks really took hold! Such bullshit! Just how desparate are people that they have to fall for this crap?

See the church has taught parents that if you have a gay kid - it's your fault. You did something wrong! That's really what this is all about! Remember back in the dark ages when they locked up mentality retarded kids in insititutions... and acted like they couldn't be helped.. that was really to protect the honor and intregity of narrow minded, egotistical, families from people thinking their was something wrong with THEM because they produced a "lessor than whole" child.

Look at what Joe Kennedy did with JFK's "slow" sister.. had her institutionalized and given a lobodomy.. because in unspoken terms.. she was an embarrassment to "HIM".. god people are sick! Trust me what young girl wasn't the sick one!!! greedy, egotistical old man Kennedy was the sick one! And isn't that the same case here with Christians spreading hate about homosexuals? Just think about!

Personally I don't give a rat's ass about the ceremony for myself.. but I see where two people loving each other want to.. but it's the 1000 plus legal rights that married people have a right too that gay people (also tax payers) can't get their hands on.. it's unconsititutional! You telling me who I can't marry?! It's unlawful and unconstitutional! We are stopping me, keeping me (a tax payer) from receiving 1000 + rights that you have and I can't have because I don't love who you think I should love? Are you Christians just nuts? Mind your own businesess! You are interferring in my constitutional legal rights! Go away

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