Monday, June 11, 2007

China vacation..

Don't ask me why? Maybe they didn't do their homework first? Toilets that are merely holes in the ground...well, porcelain, toilet with only feet seat, flush (get the pun) with the floor so that you have to squat to poop or pee.

I hear that the Chinese believe that toilet seats are very dirty, so even if that is all they have available to use, they stand on the seat and squat. I guess that makes the seats filthier yet.

The group my friends travels with to China all have respiratory problems while visiting there due to the coal burning, smoke polluted air. The air was thick according to the pictures. And they said that they never saw the sun, ever, due to all the heavy coal smoke pollution in the air.

The water they drink is not totally pure of germs and bacteria. A lot of beer is consumed. A Busch is planning on building a huge brewery there.

High rise construction is abound. An airport was moved to a coastal landfill area in order to make room for move high rises and to make flying in and out safer. As it was pilots have to fly down a narrow path between high rises to the landing strip. So they used trash to fill in the washed away coast and built the landing strip there. Brilliant!

The very poor live among the very rich. About fifty percent of the people live in rural and each have about a quarter acre. My figures may be a bit off; but I think I'm close in proximity. The leaders of the country want to move more people to high rises in the city and leave more land space for more building. No land actually owns land there, the communist government wholes all the land.

The shortage of food to feed all the people there is becoming a problems. There are millions of people in each province, in each city. Rice is imported from America, white rice, believe it or not.

Everything sold in America just about is made in China. Just pick up anything and look underneath at the little gold sticker. From back packs to running shoes...all made in China or somewhere in the far East.

I think my friends all-in-all had a great experience, in retrospect. Now that they are back home safe and sound and have recovered from the extremely long flight, toilets on the floor, no toilet paper availability, dirty water, and heavily polluted air. So much for the Kyoto convention.

Yes, American and China were the two biggest countries to revoke the Kyoto plan. Bush was, I'm sure, giving big industry a break. We don't really have a president for say.

What we have is a bunch of big industries, unorganized, not working together, merely allowed to ripe off the American people as Bush sit back idly. The man hasn't a clue! He's not a president. He's Knockhead Smith on Howdy Doody having strings pulled to make him speak for the big companies who only care about profits and ripping off the American public.

We have credit card companies, lenders, auto makers and financiers, oil people, utility people and more, the medical insurance, home insurance, auto insurance, need I go on....all ripping us off to meet the share holders expectations. All thanks to the Bush dynasty this company in regards to global warming, drought (major aquifers and lakes are drying up all over the world), forest fires, coasts falling into the sea with rising glacier temperatures and just plain flirt is ruining this earth...all about big business wants to turn a profit.

People are ruthless and unethical. Where is the spirit in each of us? Where is the love. Greed appears to run ramp id. We are out of balance. Yin yang needs to become more feminine. There is too much testosterone greed, bullying and narrow mindedness to preserve this earth. Greed will ruin this planet. Now go out there and have a nice day......

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