Friday, June 08, 2007

Mighty Storms are Approaching..

I much prefer storms to occur during the I can see them coming..and not lie in wait. I hear the thunder and see the lightening flash on my bedroom wall. It's daunting at best.

And I'm tired, some dumb alarm went off for 30 seconds twice this evening within about five or six hours, and I can't tell which of my many components in my telecommunications case is the culprit. So, now I'm out of sync now because I expect it to happen again, I just don't know the next time that the alarm will go off.

The storms are only beginning and will bring in a welcomed cool front.

Oh, I just thought of something. There is one particular gay guy in my run/walk group who dishes the dirt on me and loudly, I might add. No one laughs or even thinks his groundless insults are the lease bit funny! On the contrary, they are insulting remarks about my age. Is he jealous? Does he think he is cute? It's degrading and loud. How do I get him to stop? First I will try ignoring him..everyone else one comments. Hopefully, if he has no audience maybe he'll give it up. He's making himself look like an old crabby, jealous, 1950's straight women. He is just too much of an traditional catty old lady for me to handle. In fact, I truly do not know how to handle him; so I choose from now one to "ignore" him. From behind while walking he yelled out an insult as I began running with my two young women friends. Not funny!

He started this stuff last year..making insulting "age" remarks. He has nothing on me. If he keeps it up.. I might begin to fire back..but that would only degrade myself to his insulting low I won't do that. Okay, it's decided, if his remarks fall to no response, and he doesn't get some sort of reaction he'll go away or just self destruct.

I need to put an end to this before my birthday announcement begins in a few's a big one. And personally, I rather not have the little old lady, worse than my mother, be spurring insults in front of everyone. He's is too catty, is that the word I'm looking for? I hate catty women! Why? And why - at my expense!

My young gay lesbian friends are as sweet as can be. Is he jealous? He is not included as one of the girls...another guy always needs to be included with us women and steps right up to the lesbian circle announcing his feminine needs...."if only I don't have to do anything" he acknowledges. Go away! I forget at times, inside, they are women...even if they are catty straight women inside and not lesbians. This is just getting too confusing for me! And they are insulting..yet they want to "fit in" with the girls. No sorry, I just don't get it!

Maybe I'll just say to the latter's catty remarks..."I would prefer if you were a "lesbian" not a "straight 1950's catty suburbanite." Some, only a couple, gay men can be so flip and my public display of offense, of course. Why do they always want to take someone down with them? It's just down right rude! Go home and clean or rearrange the furniture. Cook something! Just leave me alone!

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