Sunday, September 23, 2007

Approaching Sxity FAST

and loving it!

I've come a long way to this place of freedom of body, mind, and spirit. I'm in a good place; the best! I'm free!

I've learned to read faces and pick up on thoughts seen through clouded eyes, laugher and tears. I've hurt and been hurt and moved on. I've freed myself. We all need to free ourselves for no one is more important than another; no one! No one should feel they have to sacrifice their happiness and safety for another no matter what religious fanatics may espouse.

I've listened to human voices speaking to spirits in the after life through channeled spirits and I believe spirits can be as close as a heatbeat away. We can communicate with spirits through out thoughts. Thoughts create realities.

I've learned to unlearn evil religious teachings of torment, guilt, shame and unworthiness. I've left that all behind as it should be. I am recovering still but have escaped the religious right heavy thumb of evil and self-serving control over others.

I've learned we are endless not knowing where our spirit begins or ends. We are fluid and flow into past, present and future lives.

I am in touch with the spirit world. I've made my mark. I'm in with high standings. I have completed my mission - well that one mission (that I am aware). There is so much more to come but I have my spirit friends now to watch over me.

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