Monday, September 12, 2005


I love Jann Arden and I think maybe you will too, so buy her records and read her journal its on her web site. The address is her name.

I agree with a lot of what Jann thinks about we being souls and looking for soul mates; what she says about using our own energy of thoughts to create an event. Have you ever had a premonition and then what you were thinking of, actually happened? You are afraid you will run into to someone you really don't want to see and then you do. Amazing stuff..our thoughts!

That is the reason why I like to think happy, positive, healthy thoughts because, just as we are what we eat, we can be what we think. Be careful!

Just love yourself enough to be whole and healthy. Who cares if you do not have a lover. A lover does not make you whole, you make yourself whole. You alone are responsible for your own emotions. You alone own them, you created them, their be careful you will have to live with them until you change your thinking again.

No one on earth can save you, no one on earth can complete you; only you can heal and make yourself whole. You do have the power now if only you can muster up the energy to believe in yourself. Try it! What have to got to lose.

Do some reading! Go to the library and read about spirituality. Read "Ramtha" by J. Z. Knight; read all of her books! Be enlightened! The powers of the church and religion may have been fooling you so they are able to control you. Making you toll the line, thinking you have no power at all; making you think you will go to hell if you don't obey a church rule. Nonsense!

Watch "What the Beep Does it Mean" over and over again, for each time you do you will pick up more information.

Enlighten yourself! Do the homework! Read all of Barbara Marciniak's books too: "Earth", "Path of Empowerment", Bringers of the Dawn" these are teachings of the, you'll find out who they are.

Then when you get full of spirituality and believe in yourself and learn to love yourself, then read "The World is Flat" A brief history of the twenty-first century by Thomas L. Friedman. It is a real eye opener about world economy. Well, it involves you and possibly your job, or your children's future jobs or lack of.

My favorite book in the last few years is "American Dynasty" by Kevin Phillips. Yes, it's political but you will understand the economy and your government and how it all works together, or altimately doesn't work together.

Now, get that book in your hands and sit back, listen to classical music, burn some incense and drink a little tea and delve into that book. Read and become enlightened!

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