Tuesday, August 07, 2007

100 degree sculpturing workshop

Yes, the sculpturing class is out doors. But, actually, it wasn't all that bad today. Sweat was dripping in my eyes until I tied a rolled bandana around my head. The temperature was nearing one hundred degrees. But, there was a breeze and fans so I didn't think it was that bad.

The workshop provided icy handerchiefs and plenty of cold water to drink. So I thought it was tolerable and if didn't really seem that hot. I even ate the cafeteria chicken salad sandwich outside under shady trees and a breeze moving my hair although filled with rock dust.

I have a funny feeling that my friend who ate with me today probably won't be eating with me out doors tomorrow. I was slightly sweated so air conditioning seems too cold. I love the outdoors....give me a natural breeze anytime. I think it's stuffy and cold in doors. Except for home where I can control the temperature.

Let's face it. I'm in shape and can take the heat. I'm a runner for god's sake..we're tough. I sweat like crazy all the time after a hard run. Sweating is good for you and rids the body of toxins is my belief.

I talked to five important people in my life today....that is so cool. Actually six. My ex and her new girlfriend, my lover, my walking friend, my young friend whom I absolutely adore (she's just a lot like me at 27), and my artist friend who is in the workshop too. I'm so fortunate!

And to show my appreciation I wish to thank the universe for myself and my friends who may forget to be grateful. I thank the universe for all of my many blessings of safety, non-injury, accident free and pain free existence. For all of my energy, brilliance, intelligence, happiness, sexual desires, and abilities to be happy and grateful. I am truly blessed. Life is good!

I appreciate my artistic talents. I love art. I love scuplturing. I've found my niche! Thanks for keeping my car running smoothly and in tact and free of dents and accidents. And for getting me from point A to B always in one piece and on time. I love my car - it's as good as the day I bought it ten years ago. I'm sure I'm not the only one who get sentimental over mechanical objects!

I am so grateful for my many friends and my lover. She is perfect! She's actualy as I ordered her. Watch "The Secret" and ask that your day be "magical" and it will be. My day was! Everytime I ask it to be, it is such that - magical. Trust "The Secret". Just make sure you are specific with your order because you will get what you ask for and just the way you asked for it.

She held me the other day and asked me never to change because she loves me just the way I am. She is very sweet and loving and appreciates, as I do, what we have. We appreciate each other and treasure our moments together.

I held her size four waist and beautiful breast and knew that I was seeing that lovely woman I never got to see and hold close to my heart until mid life. Yes, I missed out on so much. But the universe is being very kind and giving me those days now at nearly sixty. So is she. I love it. We are young forty year olds madly in love and full of desire for each other. It gets better and better. I carry on here about us, because I can. I don't carry about my passionate love life with my friends. I'm polite. I think I can get away with more here in my blog...can I?

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