Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I voted for Hillary on Super Tuesday

I voted for Hillary Clinton this morning. I hope she does very well this Super Tuesday. I'm watching the returns on CNN/politics. I voted with my brain mostly, and emotions too. I truly think that she can reunite this country. It seems to me everyone jumps out for Obama and turned their backs on any other Democrat just because he was fresh. Well, just how fresh is he when Ted Kennedy is endorsing him? I have watched most of the debates. I missed the first few. But the Democratic Nevada debate between Hillary, Obama, and Edwards was a turning point for me regarding my vote. Hillary won that debate in my opinion. Obama failed. Because it was pointed out and appeared to me that Obama was not savy with the Senate voting techniques. He admitted to voting "present" one hundred times on bills. "Present" means "maybe". He should had voted "yes" or "no" if he didn't like something in a bill which he said he didn't and thought they should look at it again. Well, then you vote "no" Hillary and Edwards advised him. That did it for me.. as president he would be signing off on billls. If he doesn't understand them or know which way to go to express his thoughts then we are in trouble. Another vote was mentioned at that Nevada debate. Edwards and HIllary both voted "yes" for a bill to cap what interest credit card companies can charge. That cap was 30%. Hillary and Edwards voted "Yes" to at least put a cap in place where there was done. But Obama voted "no" and his reason was "it was t...
something in a bill which he said he didn't and thought they should look at it again. Well, then you vote "no" Hillary and Edwards advised him. That did it for me.. as president he would be signing off on billls. If he doesn't understand them or know which way to go to express his thoughts then we are in trouble. Another vote was mentioned at that Nevada debate. Edwards and HIllary both voted "yes" for a bill to cap what interest credit card companies can charge. That cap was 30%. Hillary and Edwards voted "Yes" to at least put a cap in place where there was done. But Obama voted "no" and his reason was "it was too high". Edwards say by voting "no" you lifted a cap (no cap) and so the credit card companies can charge even higher than 30%. See my point. Voting on bills is tricking and takes more experience than one year and I think the presidency takes more experience than that.

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