Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The people that will be behind the Obama presidency

I hope the article contributor doesn't mind that I cut and paste his article here. But, in my opinion, he makes some very important behind the scenes points you will never see on CNN and MSNBC because they are totally behind Obama and totally not for Hillary. Please read on..The article is from the New York Sun.

Submitted by jim aaron, Feb 12, 2008 13:57
If you liked Ziggy when he was the National Security Advisor for Jimmy Carter during the Iranian Hostage situation, where America suffered the Humiliation from their weak and ineffectual leadership, then you must be an Obama supporter. Brzezinski, the DEMOCRATIC Henry Kissenger, is a Obama supporter and brings with him the same crowd behind the curtain that took an unknown peanut farmer from plains Georgia and put him on an unsuspecting American public in 1976. This crowd includes George Soros, David Rockerfeller and the rest of the ultra-rich elite eastern liberals along with their Internationalist agenda. It became clear for me when I saw a piece in the NEW YORK MAG. ( April 16 2007, when in the attached picture I saw George Soros sitting in the front row at an Obama fundraiser. These are very powerful people and they have the ability to make things happen to their desires. If Obama wins they would be the people advising and calling the shots for Obama, who would be in far over his head. He said he wouldn't be a hand-on President, he said he would have others doing the day-to-day running the Country. Obama is too weak and indecisive and having him in the White House would be frightening.

See Obama would be just another puppet without a thought of his own like G. W. Bush was/is. My vote is for Hillary. The woman is on top of every issue effecting this country. If you vote for Obama you are voting for again - old rich white Democrats.

Hillary will over see all issues committees. She is on top of it all. You can bet on Hillary. I think she truly has our country and its citizens at heart. We, the American tax payer, need her! Not just another pretty face with a whole team of old white rich men (old government) behind him.

This is our country's worse time - for all of us. We need a woman to clean up the mess that these old white rich men have made. Bill cleaned up after the first Bush and I know Hillary can clean up after the second Bush and in record speed while Obama would make promises like Bush did and then never do anything about it.

Ever try to get your husband to fix that leaky faucet at home, or cut the grass or take the trash out...did you have to tell him time and time against (I mean "ask" him time and time again?) only to end up doing it yourself. THERE YOU ARE! I rest my case. Vote for Hillary! You don't think Hillary wasn't behind half the stuff that Bill accomplished when he cleaned up after the first Bush - Hello! Behind every successful man is a silent brilliant - wife. Well Hillary has been silent long enough. It's her turn to shine.

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