Thursday, February 07, 2008

We Need Hillary in Charge..

Seriously, we need Hillary in chargeby mzzim 02/07/2008, 11:01 PM #

I'm worried! On CNN this evening, a knowledgable analyst said it's now a world economy and health care is too costly for American corporations. A guy at Starbucks says his employee health care cost is higher then his coffee supply cost.

Auto makers in MIchigan have their cars made in Canada because they have a their own health car and therefore it cost US auto companies $600. rather than $6000. for health care workers they would have to pay here because of union contracted company provided health care.

People, seriously, we need Hillary in charge. She has worked on health care since 1993. There were too many Republicans against her at the time. This CNN analyst said health care will be the thing to bankrupt this country. We need someone who can work with bipartisan, and corporations to get this health care mess resolved. Hillary has the most experience.

I like Obama but I think he will be overwhelmed. Oh he can unite..yes young voters. I think if Obama wins the Democratic nomination, McCain will win the presidency. I think if Hillary wins the nomination, she will be our president.

We need all the help we can get...why not get two for the price of one. It's time to put our petty differences aside, so what about Monica. It had nothing to do with how he ran the govenrment. He will NOT be vice president, but embassador. I'm hoping Obama is our vice president. Then we'll have three brilliant people working for us. This is not a game. Our country is in dire straits. We are going to need extraordinary leadership in the next four yeras. I'm serious, we need Hillary. She can build bridges too with other countries. We need to concentrate on working with China, Japan, India, Brazil and forget about the middle east, our economy depends on it. My advice: Watch CNN everyday, I like do and make a wise choice and pray.

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