Monday, April 07, 2008

some more misogynist thoughts

I'm a lesbian who through social norms thirty years ago "had" to date men when I was loving women. And then recently I dated a "butch" woman and yes, quite yes, I saw parallel lines - did I ever.

First of all, she wouldn't open up. He had to drive (everything), she had to carry the cooler into the backyard where the BBQ was taking place. She had to wear sleeveless shirts to show her muscles, when standing up straight would have enhanced her appearance so much more. And she was always on the make when we were out in a crowd of women. Oh yes!

Oh she loved me and wanted to please dutifully. I'm not an object. Oh, and she was difficult with conversation either during dinner, sex, or driving.

I want someone soft and warm who can open up to me. Men are so dutiful - they do what they think they must, should or whatever were taught to do. And when thoughts "directions" get stuck in their heads - thats it. It can't be changed. I had men really like me I guess - and bought and brought me things all the times...just like she (above) did. I appreciated the stuff. But, it's so mechanical I can't handle it.

Hey, I'm just a lesbian loving women - I want to see her heart, her laughter, her thoughts, her feelings and hold her close in times of happiness, sadness, and love making and our hearts connect. I recently watched a movie and the message was sometimes someone can be in our lives for a short moment and that magical heart to heart moment can last many life times. It's oh so true.

I guess I'm just a lesbian. But you can't tell me, men aren't weird! Oh please! What they don't understand or think they can't do without - they crush. Look at the big picture and the big picture looks like this to me:

Okay, first of all human men wrote the bible crap and created this god and of course - it's a "man" - who knows everything (see a pattern here). He preaches and orders and directs and puts women in lesser status to serve him - by having his children, keeping his house, being his sexual receptacle....although probably in his heart he holds men at a higher status and would really like to bonk them. Oh please. Men love to gather together to watch other men play sports. You ever see men sitting down and watching women's basketball? Don't make me laugh! But they have the audacity to show women in commercials watching men play sports and googled eyed over them. Oh please (a man wrote that commercial) don't make me laugh!

And have you ever noticed for instance on the news where women journalist are young and beautiful and grabby, fat, unattractive men get the job the male jobs. And I bet you any about of money that the men get paid more. In fact I could probably bet on it.

My young sweet "woman" friend who is a teacher said it is very common for men with less experience to get paid more. And buddies hire buddies and the hell with the women - who they swear to love so much! Oh please don't make me laugh! And men are ugly about women doing "men" jobs - even if it would help their own home situation. Are men that narrow minded? But men have to hot dog and show off to other men (gay?).

Hey I lived this crap so I know first hand. Personally I think a man could never grasp the concept of misogynist! You know why? Hello Mr. single side brain - who can only use one side at a time - because it works for him!!!! Men, created the situation by stomping out minorities - by setting the rules, by walking and disrespecting women and other minorities due to your big empty headed, self-serving egos because that is how self centered they are.

That fussing all over women that men do - oh please don't make me laugh! It's a means to a goal - sex or servitude. And that "protecting" idea - oh please! In years past mothers (of all fools) taught their daughter to be docile and obedient to men. And appear weak so he can look strong and have his ego fed. Hey, I was brought up that way! It totally turned by stomach to have to do it.

And then I learned that men were stupid basically and that I was so much smarter! But men always had to drive, preach and teach and protect. When I could have whipped his ass. I could have beat them at bowling, pool , out shoot him, and many other things but society taught me that I was supposed to sit on the side lines and look pretty or if I did participate - let him win!

Women's magazines (edited by men, of course) told women to always make the man look good! Oh please just how long do you men really think women are going to fall for this crap when they see you are nothing but big babies wanting mothers...yet you have to appear to be the bigger and stronger of the two and whine to get your way!

Sorry but that is the way I feel. My closest friends are gay guys. I like them. They are true to themselves - and in that respect - true men!!!

But you know men have really did it to themselves by pretending to be all wise, preach, teach and lead. I hated it when a man walked ten feet in front of me and not with me. I went to a computer class with my boss. Now, mind you, I'm the one who was going to have to be doing the job using this class material. We had to share a computer - Do you think he would let me do it! Hell no! Mr. wise guy had to take control. And the way he talked down about his wife - and that was only to look cute around the guys - I guess.

Men are weird when they do this one up thing. All all men subconsciously gay at some level? Truly, I wonder if they are. Frankly, I hope women are lesbians at some level too.

And some men who are really gay really cling to a woman (his poor wife) whom I feel sorry for. He has no male friends because they are afraid of their inner most deepest feeling towards members of the same sex. It's also why some strong bully men beat up or even kill gay guys who may make an innocent enough advance (rather than just, say no thank you!). But men strike out when that inner point is touched. When words or actions hit home they strike out.

And men say they don't understand women. I do! I love and understand women - hello I"m lesbian! I was watching the "living to be 150" with Barbara Walters the other evening and towards the end a sociologist was speak to Barbara Walters and said women may turn to lesbianism later in life. He wasn't the first to say that, Christiane Northrup, M. D. author of "The Wisdom of Menopause" said the very same thing in her book and on the Oprah show. She said later in life women may change their sexual orientation.

I love it! Mostly people live out of duty and social pressures anyway. It's why I hate the church. The church (men of course) think they have to set the standard and tell people how to act in and out of the church. Therefore politicians are the same way. It's why I'm so glad when the hypocrites are outed.

Anyway - just think about it before you tell me to calm down - of course a man is going to disagree with me - he's fragile, a big baby usually - and men think they have to force women to like them or crush them out.

It's the very reason why we need a woman president. For one thing men and taken advantage long enough. And you see how greedy and one up men are. They have to win. They call women pushy but men are just pure hateful. Did you see how hateful Christopher Hitchen spoke of Hillary on Tim Russert (Saturday morning show)? But he and the other male guest drooled all over Obama. Hey, a man who bowls 37.... weak wrist or what?

Yes, men will play the social rolls - but what is really lying underneath under the surface, under the fake facade?

And men like Tim Russert writes books about his father. What about his mother who had to put up with both of them?

Bottom line. If there was no religion. No "leader" man (alpha dog) to tell us how to act because he loves the down low (sneaking male sex) people, both men and women, would be free to be themselves and what would be wrong with that?

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