Monday, April 14, 2008

a woman for women

In my opinion, we need a woman president to equal, and balance out the good old boy's network.  Just maybe, finally, maybe a woman president and get equal pay for equal work for women.  Just maybe women around the country and the world will be respected.   We've come a long way since Johnson signed into bill, "Affirmative Action".  I got my "craft"/"man's" job because of affirmation action.   Otherwise I would still be doing clerk or secretary work at the phone company.  We need unions and we need affirmative action.  Yes, women and African Americans benefits and it was time.  Men were bitter at the beginning and then sat back and let the women do the work.  So I know exactly what Hillary will be experiencing - I've see it first hand where I work.   But there are men who appreciate and work well with women I've seen that first hand too.  Respect levels rose, too, on both sides.

I also believe that our economy is in the toilet because Cheney and friends allowed corporations and finance companies to run amok.  Bush is clueless - forget about him!   This country pumps billion of dollars a month into that silly Iraq war and so called democracy.   It's silly!   Iraq makes billions a month from selling oil.  They can build their own defenses and infrastructure and economy if they wanted to.  I think it all staged.  "Wag the Dog".   Watch the movie.  And watch the movie "Capricorn 1"and the fake trip to Mars.

Why has it taking so long - Well women didn't get the vote until 1920.  Women need to stick together.  Women need to join in behind HIllary.  Read Coke Roberts new book "Ladies of LIberty".

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