Monday, December 01, 2008

just maybe..

all the neighbors will get out and leave for a while and I'll get a chance to play my far while waiting I've listened to President Elect Obama announce his newly appointed Security Council. Congratulations to the ladies.. but let's just hope the council and the leaders that be have the over sight and the in sight, unlike the mic tech, to realize leaders come in all heights! How embarrassing for the shorter ladies who were stretching to rise an eye ball above the protruding phallic object..or was that an unconscious die hard old boys' club fathernity Freudian slip!

I was drawing while I was listening, reading before that trying to finish "Supercapitalism" by Robert B. Reich. I've just finished "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein. And I know I have a Kevin Klein book around here somewhere to read. I read all of his books. My favorite: "American Dynasty"!

I read books about our government and capitalism because I am trying to understand the male mind? Apparently - it's ran by self-serving greed and a shock and awe mentality. Pure brute mentality!

Oh lets just explode bombs in the ocean and wipe out Sri Lanka and build beach front hotels for the rich! Or how about lagging FEMA and destroyed leves for the same reason in Louisiana? It's all about hotels and Walmarts.

I guess I can see the Walmart skull and bones lobbying capitalist idealism. "Large" organisations and corporations are easier to control with a same mind set mentality.

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