Sunday, December 14, 2008

Well at least Bush can duck a shoe.. what an

idiot! Bush is a real idiot! He has no sense of what really went on in Iraq.. or of all the civilians who met their death.... oh you can't tell me he didn't know he just didn't even care! Bush, I mean,
rather, Cheney got Blackwater Security over there (for profit and waste of tax payers money) all for oil! All for conquer and dominant as we are so infamous for! It's a shame! You know that shoe attack insistence didn't even faze him. He thought it was funny! The guy's a sociopath! He's always been rich and daddy has bailed him out of everything he ever got into because he failed at everything.. from National Guard, from his own oil company that went belly up.. to this presidency.. you know it was daddy Bush running the show.. why he had all of his old cronies.. running the show.

Bye bye.. say Good-bye!

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