Friday, December 19, 2008

Thirty more days until we are rid of the evil

one who hides behind evil Christian beliefs.. against stem cell research (saving lives), against abortion, yet they okay capital punishment, torture and starting wars for profit and rich men's greed.

So what makes leaders so evil? Little dicks? Little brains? Sick minds? Or all the above? Look at every country - start with Iceland, Russia and the USA where people are going hungry, and need clothes and homes. They are educated and jobless. Economies are suffering yet their greedy leaders are walking away with it all proudly!

So where are the hearts of these greedy CEO jerks? Let's give it up.. lets.. sell a jet or one your fancy houses and support a whole town for a greedy sons-of-bitches! I'm not the only one that is pissed off.. just what the nightly news..

I can't believe rich people are so materialistic? Do we need to get rid of all the men and "allow" women to straighten things out? Would women be that greedy and cut throat too? Get a bunch of mothers in there running the show with hungry mouths to feed and you'll see them get things straightened out very quickly... but women are not as ruthless as men.

And I wonder, will Obama be any different once he gets a taste of all that "power". It's all nothing but a power play. A one up man-ship between man. Whats the point? I say put them all in a ring and let them fight it out.. oh, now I understand all the wars.. pathetic!

Bush is the biggest asshole I have ever seen.. oh please how do we know it just wasn't a scam for banks and auto to get every last cent they could before Democrats took over D. C. And I'm sure the lobbyist are pissed.. since Obama says he won't deal with them. Why, they already got all the deregulations they want.. corporations and financial institutions were allow to run amok without oversight and regulations and you see where it got us? We are poor, jobless, homeless, while they stuffed their pockets full of money.

Just where to you think their millions of dollars in salaries, bonus, and parachute umbrella packages came from.. shareholder profits that shareholders didn't get.. and certainly they didn't put the money back into their businesses... but like Enron, instead took the money and ran with it without penalty I might add.. all friends of the Bush Dynasty.

It's a sign of power.. they are the extreme power.. who crush out countries to get more rich.. and they want people to be broken and poor and's the capitalist way.. and it's the plan to rule the world that way.. I'm sure..

And really what would socialize medicine cost them.. a month of war in Iraq? They are the bullies on the playgrounds that you hated to run into! What would providing jobs and decent wages.. (McCain and Bush voting against a measly minimum wage increase.. eight times).

Yet stupid Christians with blinders on seeing only one issue, abortion! Well, it's the dumbing down affect.. they, the powers that be, want you to be stupid.. but yet patriotic and believe that everything they do is right.. and then go enlist and fight their take-over and monetary gain wars for them..yeah, risk your life so that they can get even more rich! I guess they're jealous of the Saudi's is that it or of Dubai. You know, just the bullies on the playground.

Just what is the deal? If were were totally oil free and we could be if we got rid of the likes of oil companies and Monsanto.. oh yeah, now even people in India have to buy their petroleum based herbicides and pesticides from Monsanto.. when crop rotating and cattle feeding on the same land.. periodically.. say 3 years cattle; 5 years crops would enrich the soil for planting and get rid of insects.. but Monsanto wouldn't make any money then. And Monsanto won't allow farmers to hold back crops for seed for next season either. Well, they want to make them buy more...

Then there's the food and drug industry working together.. to get us obese with corn fructose.. yeah.. fatten them up and we'll dispense drug and heart surgeries.. it's all planned against us.. there is no incentive to promote.. health the natural way.. because then there would be no rich drug companies, food companies, oil men, auto.. you name it..

Capitalism is nothing more than seeing how big shot corporate heads can rip us off at our expense for their monetary gain. What a system.. gee what a democracy.. Oh, and they are Christians too......don't forget that..

Oh, let me add just one more thing.. in case you think you can take your prescription for birth control or the morning after pill and or maybe HIV medicine and have it filled out.. well, maybe the pharmacist will fill it out.. but maybe the clerk, due to religious belief, won't take your money.. so there!! God speaks! You do without.. and have that baby and raise that child.. the CHRISTIAN way.. because now ..anyone can refuse by Bush's new law to not give you your prescription!

Watch Rachel Maddow and Keith Oberman on MSNBC every evening.. you'll lean a lot.. and listen to NPR daily.

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