Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Can't Wait To Come Back..and do it again..

The young women of today are so....out there! So powerful! So self-confident! So into everything! Oh why was I born SO SOON and in such isolation and into such a concentration camp? I was not encouraged to excell. No, they were not the wind beneath my wings. I began in a "negative" and had to pull "myself" up to zero and then try to rise about it all. What a struggle...that and being a "woman" (so not worth anything!); that and be a LESBIAN! I had more negatives than positives....holding me in my misery.

But, thank the universe, I'm still here and finally into my own....my artistic own...

The cosmos is in my favor...the universe shines in my favor. I will shine.

It saddens me to see loving, bonding, families. I never trusted mine. I always had a sense of suspicion and a hollow feeling inside in their presence. I was scared as a little kid. No hugs. No encouragement, no gentle boose towards higher education...towards a better life. They thought it was impossible for me to surpass their own expectations of their lives. I was stuck.

I can't wait to come back and do it over again. I've already picked my family type. Brillantly intelligent. I can't wait! My family - very loving! Very encouraging. I'll live in civilization...I'll be a doctor and a marvelous musican. Yes, I'm planning it even now.

Now, for the rest of my future here. Lots of sweet sex and companionship and love. Remodeling. Cute sports car. New set of clubs. And I'll stay mysteriously healthy, active, agile, youthful way less than my years, happy, brilliant, creative, wonderfully talents in art and music and song. I'll do wonderous things....I can't wait. Tomorrow is a new day; a brand new life.

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