Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Here we go again..

another religious leader and associates in trouble for personal spending of university funds and calling under aged boys between 1:00 AM and 3:00 AM. Hello Utah! Oral Robert's U is in the lime light this time.

Gay! Gay! Gay!

Personally, I believe religious institution leaders like to sneak. It's more exciting when it's "wrong" and "sinful".

It's the that the rest of the homosexual population suffers in their evil hypocritical shadows. In my opinion all organized religions are evil and perpetuate "hate"! For without the "sinner" they are "out of business" of playing this "god" that they have made up.

The bibles were written by mere morals...men! And modern man are fools enough to interpret and use these writings to suit their evil ways.

There is nothing wrong with being homosexual; however, there is something terribly wrong with religious groups signaling out a certain groups or groups to discriminate against - typical action of fundamentalist Christians.

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