Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Disco via Bose Fan

Well the day began in a subdued matter..slept in late (got to bed late). Got up and began to read a bit then decided to update my Ipod Shuffle and whipped out a few disco Diva of Disco CD's and I haven't stopped moving since..that was over an hour ago!

I've never done yoga to disco before. I think music is the beat of the soul - well mine anyway. I feel and move agelessly about my condo. I'm high on the beat. Shoulders and hips grooving and swaying in opposite directions. I'm an ageless sixty year old in love with herself.

As I pumped out thirty push ups I'm reminded I'm even better at sixty then at was at thirty. At 30 I never spent three consecutive days running 13.1 miles, then riding 100 miles on my bicycle then on the third day swimming one mile. I'm cook'n!

Gotta go and get running. I'm so in love with life. Thank you universe for protecting me (and my loves) from illness and injury. Keep my car safe too will you...we've grown attracted...it's been ten years now...she's as sound as the day I bought her - Toyota - of course!

Thank you universe for my gift of hearing via my friend from the good doctor. I love her! After three years and so busy with her life and work...she is still concerned. That was her in the airplane that day - over my east side condo where I stood watching from my back patio. That was her - no one flies a plane that way ---- down the right-of-way circling back - facing me - low if only I could have seen past the glare of the windshield I would have seen her beautiful face and blond hair. I love her!

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