Saturday, October 06, 2007

I've had enough of patriarchial, authoritarian rule

havn't you?

Aren't you sick of war and domineering men telling you what to do?

Oh, I understand that there has to be organizational legal social laws and standards to follow..that makes sense.

But wars and religious bullyings? I believe as a society we have progressed but our leadership is stuck in the 1600's conducting homosexual witch hunts and fighting over oil. There is oil in Burma ( or whatever they are calling it now) being pumped by Chevron so you know we'll be there next. Do we create these civil uprisings ourselves so we can send troops and hundreds of thousand of retired general CEO's to run their corporations there on tax payers money?

In 1967 there were no corporate lobbyist present in Washington D.C. just a handful wanting government contracted jobs, now there are at least 33,000 lobbyist present in Washinton D. C. And I guess they are actually the ones running the country and filling their pockets while ripping off the American tax payer. It's like the 80's when corporate takeovers became popular. Big shots would buy up companies and then dissolve the operations and people would lose their jobs. Stockholder takeovers I believe it was called.

In my opinion, lobbyist are ruining our country because each are out for themselves and so are not organized for the good of the country. Oh come on, they could care less about the country and the taxpayer who is out of a job through out sourcing. My question, if corporationsn lose their tax base (the American tax payer) where do they go then. or haven't they looked that far ahead. Because if you drain the tax base - you have ruined this country. If you take jobs away people can't pay or pay lower taxes so what will the war mongers profiteers do then? Who will pay Blackwater and other created companies headed by former generals? See the DVD "Iraq for Sale: War for Profiteering" it will open your eyes to the greed that runs rampant in the war world. Don't tell me they are not profiting from 9 11. Makes you wonder doesn't it.

Trust me, the talk of switching from oil to anything else for fuel will continue on until every last drop of crude is pumped by a major American oil company.

The dollar is weak cauing importers to lose money and American visiting and living overseas using American money to say "Ouch!". Housing is in a slump, but gas and groceries and the cost of eating out is rising. "You gotta eat" says one popular fast food commercial and isn't that the truth. I've put myself on a diet.

So, personally, I'm a little sick of men running the show. I can't see where they are making any progress in evolving our social standards and economy. It's 2008 and we are still using the polluting gas engine. It's all about the very few getting very rich and avoiding paying taxes so the poor shmucks of the world end up carrying the burden.

I'm sick of patriarchial authorian rule. I'm sick of some old man telling me how to act and what to do and who to love! In the middle east homosexual are stoned to death! Just how stupid and barbaric is that?

"God" did not hand down the bible or the koran.....mere self-serving, perverts, domineering, males - human at that - wrote them. It's all fabricated nonsense! Making women cover up and be evidence enough for men. "God" truly would have created man and woman equal. Personally, I believe all men are gay at some level and misogynists. Why?

Why are the afraid of women? Why must men rule, preach, teach and dominate and kill. Have you ever noticed how loud they are. They must be heard. They must stand out? Maybe scientist should develope a testeserone neutralizer or softener. Wouldn't it be justice if emissions from fuel caused men to become efeminantly gay? Justice for all!

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