Monday, October 22, 2007

Forest Fires

With global warming the earth temperature has risen one degree. Doesn't sound like much does it. How can that do any damage?

The Western part of our country is experiencing super heat forest fires covering 200,000 size acres. We could lose half of the forest in the west within ten years if these fires keep up. In the Southwest along 300,000 acres are completely burned off.

Climate change is very evident. The Southwest's temperature, drought are causing maga fires the likes of anything ever seen before in our history.

And you still don't think global warming is occuring Mr President? Do the Fundamentalist Christians still think Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" is just that - inconvenient listening? Just don't want to hear it?

Personally, I am glad that I am as old as I am and that I do not have grandchildren. We are destroying our own planet due to profiteering. Of course we are! We are destroying lies in needless wars over an old fashion greed for OIL and global rule and dominance. We want to rule the world. Fine, Cheney, go right ahead, there won't be anything left to rule.

Forest fires are not the only things contributing to the decline of the human race. The strangely greedy leaders in every continent around the world allow more and more people to starve to death. Why? Amongst all of the straving. Get a load of this. I just read in "Deluxe" by Dana Thomas: "In 2006 China offically had three hundred thousand millionaires, Russia eighty-eight thousand, India seventy thousand. In 2004 Russia had thirty-three billionaires, more than any other city in the world. " Amazing!

You know at time I think I'll be glad to leave this planet and escape the human race of bigots, raciest, selfish greedy war mongers.

Maybe women do need to head govenments and men are failing miserably because they are so worried about beating the next guy to the monetary, monarch finish line. They could care less about their people. Look at N. Korea. The people are straving there Kim their leader spends all the money on nuclear war heads. Our country is becoming the same way...dominance and greed are the words of the day.

But really nothing is different from the beginning of called religious wars in the name of god. Oh please!

I say more women are needed in business and government they sure couldn't do any worse. However, they must not be pursuaded by the male population....but for themselves.

Women will save this planet if it is going to be saved at all. We need to all work together to fight global warming not this false threat of terrorist scare tactics to gain global rule...Mr. Bush.

Nine eleven just didn't appear out of the blue... I believe it was let's say...friendly fire....just mere collateral damage...just like all the Iraqi citizens and soldiers who have needlessly died...over oil and global rule.

You know what I think would be really humerous would be if we the old-fashion ones would remain hooked on oil and other countries have already developed soy oil or other oil replacements and we are left stuck in the 1900 century.

The Middle East, South America and China could ruin us in a heartbeat by stopping all oil flow and cutting off "made in China" imports and by defaulting on our trillions of dollars debt. Instead of making ourselves independent with new technologies we have made ourselves even more dependent on other countries. They have us over an "oil" barrel and we (our in cahoot with business government) is just too greedy and blind to see.

Do you know that in 1963 there were only a handful of lobbyist in Washington? And they were there for government contracting. Today there are 33,000 lobbyist perched at Washington's door. Who are the fools? Lobbyist have done nothing but run up election campaign cost. The government could easily put a tap on election costs.

Valerie Plame is "hot"! She lives in Santa Fe. Some how, I feel the urge to travel - just kidding :) She's hot but her husband Joe Wilson could use a fashion update..starting with a little hair color. Oh, maybe he's okay and it's just the lesbian in me thinking that....

Oh I must get "Fair Game" Valerie Plame's new book. Since 2003 when her name was leaked by our administration, she is out of a job..uncovered.

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