Wednesday, October 31, 2007

In the News

Google stock price is up to 700. per share. A month ago it was 600. Wow!

A yet another gay political person bites the dust! And he's out of there! Curtis is the latest political Republican hypocrite to be opened. Yipee! He voted against homosexual bills. It's just a shame people feel they cannot be themselves....just out yourself and live in truth and integrity.

And another story. A father of a fallen gay Marine soldier is awarded over 11 million in a case against Fred Phelps the founder of a Christian church in Topeka, Ks. Fred Phelps must really be a latent homosexual otherwise why would he be so angry and out to get homosexuals. He hates himself and so he picks on the likes of others. Acts of unkindness and hate will never get you into heaven Fred Phelps. One poster read "gay dies and is in hell". Fred said god is pissed and punishing this nation. Fred Phelps is pissed because he was put on trial for what he preaches.

Another story. Tulsa, Oklahoma is very serious about stopping illegal aliens. Do not give one a ride...are you will be arrested as this one person was. Seems a judge in Tulsa is doing the work that the FBI should be doing...but I guess Bush is holding them back. Then there is the governor in New York who is creating three tier driver's license so illegal aliens can drive in this country.

Back to Curtis the Republican Rep who was arrested for soliciting sex. Non-protected sex is what he wanted! And he was dressed in women's negligee. You know, some of these arrogant guys do not make themselves appear too savvy and I am so glad these hypocrites are being outed. Face it! If every homosexual in the world suddenly turned the color purple we would all be amazed at the very large portion of the population that is gay. There is nothing wrong with being gay...there is only something wrong with being a hypocrite and preaching and voting one way and then secretly living another. This is what is wrong!

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