Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Boeing's 878 - a piece meal Lego?

The Boeing 878 is way pass the August due date schedule because Boeing is short handed of engineers. Well, they were planning on the ten or more other countries who have a hand in the building of the plane to complete on time and to use good materials and do a good job. This as not been done! So engineers at Boeing already working on other projects are rushing to correct mistakes other countries around the world were supposed to do right.

Personally, I don't think I want to ride on this plane. A plane with parts made all over the world and then shipped back to Boeing to assemble into a plane like a Lego set

Why? Where is our country economy headed when good jobs our out sources and exports and cheap labor is imported...what happens to the middle class.

What happens to the labor unions at Boeing and why can't they stop this? We need to hang on to our unions they are the only ones saving the half way decent jobs that remain in this country...yet it appears unions are partially in cahoots with company policies.

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