Thursday, November 15, 2007

Did you watch the debate?

You did know that there was a debate this evening didn't you? A Democratic debate in Las Vegas..the first ever for Nevada. Nevada is a swing state. It is an important state because of the number of people and the diverse population that is there.

Hillary did good! When Obama and Roberts tried to verbally attack her the audience booed.

It was good and entertaining. The next debate is November 28, a Republican debate in Florida. January 3rd, 2008 is the Iowa caucus.

History is being made right under your attention because this affects you. I hope everyone listen and takes notes. Get a handle and a well rounded knowledge of what is going on. It's easy...just listen to NPR and CNN. When they mention book title request them at the them. It's fun and interesting.

Know your surroundings and be ahead of the game! Speaking of games. Look at how many people watch basketball and football faithfully...if only they would just as interested in politics. Your vote does matter. You can cheer and root like hell sitting in front of the game and the out come does not affect your life, lively hood, or home loan, or taxes...your vote does.

Become an informed your homework. will impress people. Watch both Read both sides of the issue and listen to what people have to say. You, personally, will come out on top as a citizen of the United States.

I predict big changes are ahead for us in 2008 and beyond.

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