Monday, November 12, 2007

The Year of the Woman..

I am sixty years young...can you run 13.1 miles in 2:17? Well I did yesterday! In honor of the "year of the woman". By the way, I love making doctors smiles....they expect the "typical" sedentary, high blood pressured, high cholesterol, aching sixty year old and so smile in surprise.

Never in my life time have I thought I would see complete female staffed operating/delivery rooms. Never have I thought that I would see a female space shuttle commander (what a smooth landing, Pam Melroy!) and a female space station commander Peggy Whitson.

At the circus. Ringling Bros. circus has a female ringmaster/singer, a female dare devil motorcyclist, and other female stars. In fact most of the performers are women! Yes!

Patty Wagstaff cuts ribbons flying upside down about ten feet off the ground! Of course there was Amelia Earhart breaking records and female hearts back in the 1930's.

Yes the year of the woman....2008 go Hillary!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go, Hillary!

I'm all for that.