Monday, December 03, 2007

See Dec 07 issure of Vanity Fair

Either get the magazine or read it free on line at . It's priceless information that may, just may sway your pick for a candidate.When you get to the Vanity Fair web home page scroll down looking at the left column and near the bottom you'll see "The Consequences of Mr. Bush's Economy" . Double click on the blue letters. It's a fabulous and most enlightening read!

I know it's early but the Nov 08 presidental election is very important to all Americans. Christians will vote Republican to keep gays from marrying and women from getting abortions. But these issues are mere side steps to cover up the "real" more importnat issues troubling our economy. So please read this article.My pick for president is Hillary Clinton she will help our children to get a better education where Mr. Bush's No Child Left Behind program was a miserable failure. Just ask any teacher.

But, she or any Democratic president will have their work cut for them because Republicans have gotten us so deep in debt. Remember, it was Mr Bush's team who wanted to go to war...keep that in mind. He borrowed trillions for this war by choice and left our education, health, and intrastructure to fail.

Bill Clinton had everything in place forBush, but Bush failed to help the American people with health care, education and our intrastructure. In stead he took Iraq under his wing for some reason..what oil? These war tactics might have worked for Senior Bush in the golf war when gas prices lowered...but not this time around. Haliburton got rich and other large company on your dime.Yes, please read the article and see that this country's economic system could easily failrapidly if China would decide to no longer carry our debt. Mr. Bush has gotten us into a real messy situation.

Please do not contribute to our demise by electing a Republican who will merely continue our down fall into the pits of bankruptcy, poverty and homelessness.Personally, I feel Obama will crash under all this economical desvastation. This mess that we are in will take experience not training on the job. Neither Obama nor Edwards in mypersonal opinion can get that team together...Hillary can! This is no time for experimentsbecause he is cute or has charisma. Let's get real. Let's get Hillary elected.

And another good read is "An American Dynasty" by Kevin ties everything together. Oil men and bankers who claim to be Christian but in my opinion only for political gain.

Thank you.

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