Thursday, December 20, 2007


In the 80's Chinese were investing in private property here now they are investing in 3com (Pentagon security group) and Morgan Stanley and other investment agencies. They are doing this with the money we pay them towards our trillion dollar debt. The security and Treasury department has no concern.

Most people are worried about foreign countries invested in our technical and security. In the last few months homeland security has found Chinese has been trying to hack government and security firewalls, one in Tennessee. And China has launched an anti-satellite test...against our satellites. China achieves electromagnetic interfacing into our systems.

This gets me to thinking...while Bush is so worried about claiming and protecting all the oil in the middle east and borrowing trillions of dollars to do that.. he is unknowingly opening the doors for China to buy us up and move right in over here... they do need lots more room you know. Most colleges are offering Chines as a language course and I wonder if that is a sign of the future. I feel we are selling our home land unknowingly out of greed.

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