Thursday, February 23, 2006

Darn, no date!

Well, I'm running into trouble's been a long time and the longing is growing. I would probably be good for hours! I need to find a like minded person who wants the same.

I'm disappointed about the date. There is only so much you can do for yourself! Nothing compares to the touch of a woman!

Guess, I'll go for a it out of my system. Actually, that use to work but I'm becoming too conditioned and it's been too long so nothing is going to help

I'm sorry but no one interest me at the usual social establishment. Guess I'll go through those stupid ads again. I don't even want to do that; maybe she'll just show up at my door step or drop out of the sky one day! The card reader told me I would have someone very soon....

I guess I have to go out after what I want and need. These women just don't have the passion...they are too easy to do without it. Actually, I'm very particular. I prefer love at first last summer. I don't care how long it lasts or doesn't lasts, it was worth all of the excitement.

Personally, I believe in love at first sight. I loved her the moment I looked into her eyes and even more everyday there after. I still love her! I was meant to be in her life somehow...she just doesn't know that yet. I want her sex!

I think sex is so much better when there is love and passion involved ( of course!).

Well, I guess I'll get out there and enjoy this beautiful day and think about sex. Looking at the beautiful golden goddess last night with her little belly showing didn't help matters much. God HELP me! Why does life have to leave you so hungry all the time? Wanting! Wanting! Wanting! Wanting things I have totally no control over getting into my life. I can't MAKE someone want me!!!

And I look so damn good....all this shit going to waste. I am really cute with my hair longer. And it's wavy and lays so cute! Good thing I love myself! At least I love me! I look in the mirror and think. "Hell, I'd go for me!" I work out and have a great shape. I'm a real catch, so she says! She also said. "Hottie"!

I desire the touch of a woman! I could make someone feel really really good! Too bad they are missing out! Now, I'm sounding like a sick I'm not. And I use my head in these situations too....well if it fits......I'm kidding.......just a little humor to go along with the pain of missing intimacy. I meant I use common sense. I held off a long time before I asked this person out...I don't think she really took it as a date...but more as a friend thing. She and I will have to talk! Some people need it spelled out! Like me! She has flirted enough with me and I put her off..guess I deserve rejection...In all honesty she does have a commitment she needs work on. I'm not mad just little disappointed. Women don't make me mad, not like men used to do.

Have a beautiful day. I'm going for that run, maybe the warmth of the sun will heal my aching heart! God, I miss my summer love. It's been months and I have never gotten over her! I'm trying....I'm dying here! Help me out, for god's sake! Where's your compassion.....I didn't ask for these damn feelings...

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