Monday, February 27, 2006

Ohio: Gays not fit to adopt?

Well, it's election year and you can sure tell, South Dakota is going to band all aborptions except where the mother's life is in danger? Isn't this decision a little personal and private? Frankly, it's no one else's business but the person carrying and delivering the baby? Let me tell you, if men were getting pregnant it would be a totally different story.

In Ohio, gays are not fit to adopt says the republican running for governor. To counter, the democratic candidate says republicans are not fit to adopt. The real problem is that there are many children in the state who need loving parents. And I ask you, why are people so shallow and narrow minded and sick? Let the gays adopt these children and give them a loving home! What about the children's welfare? I am almost ashamed to be a member of the human race?

Would women do a better job in positions of power? Well, they certainly can't do as bad or any worse? Personally or I like to think that women are more intuitive, nuturing and loving.

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