Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I run, I ran and I will run some more

You know I ran nine miles yesterday and I don't feel like a did a thing. You see, I feel guilty if I don't work out every day. I did do some push-ups and sit-ups too yesterday and stretches.

I have yoga later this evening. I love it! I love all the stretching. I hope the straight man doesn't hit on me again! Jesus, and they talk about gay people - just go away. He's persistent. "Put your mat by mine." The first week I said no; the second week he comes to my end of the room, so I stay in the middle. "I want to be my the fire." I was a little aggravated but when the instructor put her hand on my knee as she knelt by me my heart turned to jell-o.

So after yoga this evening I will run tomorrow. The weather was beautiful today actually better than yesterday. The flowers are in bloom and the bubs are about to burst with spring. Oh yes, we will have an early spring this season. I'm excited!

I am most grateful for my many blessings of good health, wealth, wisdom, beauty, youthfulness, happiness, the loves in my life and my ability to love and reconize love. I am truly fortunate that I dumped the load I carried for years. It's my turn now for me. No body, but me! I am so deserving of this.

We have to think it to make it so...have you ever heard of that? Well, it is true. Watch "What the bleep do we know?" and you'll see it and understand it. You may have to view it several times to get all of the message that lie within. Visualize it, wish it true, dream it true and it will happen...I know!

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