Friday, February 10, 2006

Knees are healing, so is my heart! Miss You!

I think I think about you nearly everyday, but my heart doesn't ache so much anymore! You know I will always love you! Tuesday yet, I was really hurting, I guess I was hoping to see you!

Anyway, about me! My knees are feeling better I think I'll meet with the girls in the morning at 8:45 at the skating rink (frostbite series taking over usual place) and run around the park with them...they are trying for six miles. Well, I did it in the snow. Charles is having people at his house afterwards and then I'm meeting up with Liz for a walk in the park at 11:30...then I'm resting. The book club is coming over Saturday evening. I'm free this evening, if you want to see me!

Actually, my knees ache a little when I got up but felt better after I walked. I'm cured. Anyway, Kristi might feel bad if I'm not. She is very kindhearted...I think I'm falling. Who would have thought! We had such fun running in the park Wednesday. But, only had coffee on Thursday because I was hurting. She is very sweet! She gives me things and does things for me....very sweet! I"m "hot" and a "real catch"! Hmm?

Hmm! That bowl of soup was good! I had to have something hot, after the frozen fruit! I love frozen fruit from Sam's; I get berries too! I eat very healthy and I have fun with my friends..and run. What else could I possibly want! I'm happy, pain-free and just plain free. A free spirit! I left the awful family in another state! What a wonderful year I am having!

I played piano this morning, now guitar or maybe I'll work on my novel next. It's a lesbian love attempted murder mystery novel. I didn't have the heart to kill her, so she's still in the hospital...guess I need to write her out of there.

I'm trying to learn a few songs by heart on my guitar so I can play my guitar and sing at the annual kayak trip in September. I have plenty of time and should be ready by excuses!

It's 37 out, will I'm still allowing my knees to heal. I miss you sweet baby! I wish I could kiss you on the head! If she leaves you and you get lonely (whatever) call me! I'm talking to you... my summer love!

I can hear the neighbor below me yell at her dog! Too funny! His name is Lou and he is a golden retriever; a fast growing pup! I would probably have to yell at him too! He needs room to run! She just got in her car and drove away..some days I take my laptop and do the same but Emma isn't dogging me today like she does some days.

I am discovering that I don't love and let go. No, I love and add on! I never did that with men or women in my straight days? But, yes, I guess I'm in a good place emotionally and mentally to love and add on loves. I lstill ove Teresa and I still love my summer love..and like I said earlier, I think I'm falling yet again...

Interesting! I'm excited! I think I'll flirt just a little...

Or, I could do yoga? Maybe real quick first...damn I just ate. I'll do it later. I need to do something today though because I do something every day!

I love you sweet baby!

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