Sunday, March 04, 2007

Chosen Relgion of the State..

Fundamentalist Evangelical Christianity is the state religion of Texas and Missouri. I'm not sure if it is officially but I'm sure it would be if permitted. Evangelical Christianity leaders want to make it the religion of the state of Missouri and have it officially entered into the state Constitution.

Evangelical Christianity leaders have managed to create a prisoners program that focuses on second chances in hopes that inmates do not end up back on prison.

I think this is all fine and dandy but I wonder about the obvious "no bid" religious sect selection. And why a religion at all? Why not teach social manners, work skills in various fields, ethics, and social skills?

But, those things won't increase the number of Fundamentalist Evangelical Christianity members whose leaders have a huge republican lean. It's obvious to me that state government and religion go hand and hand. Well, so much for separation of church and's non existent!

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