Thursday, March 22, 2007

M4's are jamming.

and soldiers are complaining yet the government has order more than 100,000 M4's to be delivered next year to the soldiers in Iraq. Oh and there is a huge order for extreme truck like bomb proof tanks vehicles. No wonder Bush is begging for more money.. the companies supply equipment want their money!

Brig. General David Grant (ret) said he used one in Vietnam and yes it jammed on him too. Dobb asked him why keep on ordering them.

Grant thought the reason was money. It would costs an extreme amount to replace these weapons. (Yeah, so what if a few thousand soldiers are killed in the process)

Grant said that there are others weapons out there and that there should be a shoot-out and let the soldiers pick their weapons.

Yet, the penagon wants to skimp on spending money on weapons that do not fail.

Soldiers report that they are having "heart failure" when they squeeze the trigger and nothing happens.. wouldn't you?

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