Saturday, March 24, 2007

So, apparently one company controlled it all?

I'm talking about the dog food can products for about 93 different labels of dog and cat food products. One company must have controlled all the contents that were used.

Rat poison in food and cat food you say. Now that gets me to wondering. Were they making cat and dog food from poisoned rat meat? You know, rats ate the poison and therefore the meat is no good.. it's poisoned too.

Did someone at this single major company get a great deal from a third world rat invested company?

Okay, if that is not it. Did an unhappy employee dump large quantities of rat poison into the dog food mix before it was canned? I think that would have been terribly obvious because it would have taken probably hundreds of pounds of rat poison.

I'm sticking to my poisoned rat meat theory. Oh, they can just make it smell at beef, chicken or lamb. You now add a little gravy for smell, taste and color.

But, one thing for sure, I don't think you will ever find out the reason story.

And not that the cat is out of the bag and we know one company makes "all" the dog and cat canned food...might as well buy the cheapest brand.

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