Monday, January 28, 2008

all the candidates have something to offer but...

to me Obama has the least to offer and the most endorsements. I can't figure that out. He's a law professor with no more than about two years of Senate experience. He decided to run for president after serving one year in the Illinois Senate. So what's the big deal?

When he speaks he speaks in generalities which tell me nothing about him or what he plans on doing to fix our economy, school, health care, the war, and bring back jobs to America's home land.

I can't believe all the endorsements of Ted Kennedy, Poloski, Claire McCaskill. Is it because they think Hillary is likely to win?

Now Hillary speaks explicitly about her plans and how she is planning on fixing the problems with lost jobs, health care, broken education, the tragic housing situation, rising wages, and trying to bring people about the poverty line up back into the middle class.

I'm still sticking with and voting for Hillary. I agree Bill needs to move to the back seat and I believe he is getting out of the limelight.

Oh, Obama is speaking at a university. He has all the young people voting for him. They just see a young face. He has no experience and admits he loses papers on his desk. He sounded to me too that Obama didn't really grasped the ways of how to vote your voice in the Senate.

Obama voted "present' one hundred times in the Illinois Senate. Voting present means, maybe. If you don't like something in a bill you should vote "no" as Edwards pointed out to Obama during the Nevada debate when the matter came up. Also Obama voted "no" on the 30% ceiling on credit card interest charges .. Edwards told him then when that was revealed that he just let the cap off the top and credit card companies would then be able to charge even more than that. Hillary and Edwards voted "yes" to at least put a ceiling on it.

These Obama people are campaigning on "hope" and "change" . Hell I can promise that! Tell me what you are going to do. What is your plan? Edwards talks in generalities too and kind of preaches.. telling people that you just can't drop your kids off at the school that you have to help teach them too. Hillary, my favorite, tells us exactly what she plans on doing.

I think most of these kids are just caught up on the youth bandwagon of their friends. Obama refuses to be trapped in the patterns of the past. He is a fighter and cares about the causes.. well so do I. Now tell me your plan!!! You can't because you don't have a PLAN! Oh, Kennedy said he was moved when Obama said we must not be red states or blue states but the united states. Oh that doesn't tell me anything either. All Democrats work with Republicans and so did McCain and so did Hillary. He doesn't give me new hope!

What true record.. he has no true record.. He opposed the war in Iraq in 2003, but then in 2004 and 2005 voted for extra funding. Big deal! It would have been unpatriotric to vote against the war at that time. The Republicans fed the media the propaganda to invoke the idea that we need to go to war and stay in war with Iraq. Obama can preach all he wants about unity in Congress but that doesn't mean he can get them to work together.. come on!

Right now Obama is not saying anything in particular because he has nothing in particular to say.

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