Monday, January 21, 2008

So, you still going to vote Republican? Read this..

Read this article in today's Washington Post:

As we know manufacturing jobs have already been out scourced for years already. And now more and more white collar, middle class, jobs are being done over seas. So where does that leave college educated people? Word of advice: Never quit your presence job before you find another. It could take six months or more to find another because available jobs are at a premium.

This is another impact of our unfolding economic downturn. And in an election year - how appropriate is that. Let's admit it the Bush dynasty and Cheney was the worse administration yet. They are into "old fashion" oil. As a nation we are backwards. Then their McCain..still living in Vietnam! It's all he knows! War! Get off it!

Haven't we seen the evidence? If you want your country to prosper get off the war kick and into technology and jobs! Every other country in the world is prospering into the 21st century but us. We are backward in our thinking.

Oil is out..electric, solar, and wind is in. Clean air. If we had any brains at all this country would plan. And I mean plan - it won't just happen - a futuristic country and economy. High tech state of the art education, careers and products. We need to be the envious of the planet and no longer the laughing stock. War for oil to run antiquated equipment - oil burning junky Detroit vehicles. Get real! This administration has held us back! See the DVD "Who Killed the Electric Car?" One answer: Bush and the oil people.

This administration failed miserably by allowing unorganized (they didn't even work as a group) large corporations to sell this country down the river. What are we doing clearing out this economy of jobs and money... so the Chinese can easily come and take over? They certainly need the room. We are so indebted to them it could happen at any moment.

Happen at any moment? Let me just state something here. I haven't been wrong yet! I predicted off shoring of companies headquarters, out sourcing manufacturing jobs and now technicial jobs, is the selling out of the American people.

If people here have no jobs (and most of the good paying jobs are indeed being done off shore) then who will buy even the losey cheap stuff coming from China?

I said not long ago in disagreement with Bush's statement that he wants illegals here to work the jobs that American don't want. (God, the man is stupid!) Well, I got news for you Mr. Bush, I said it then and I"ll repeat myself now. One day people in America will not be able to be choosey and we'll take whatever job we can get to put (imported) food on our tables and (cheap foreign made) clothes on our backs.

Do you see where you have brought us Bush, or are you just to stupid to even see? You and Cheney ran this country like a corporate take over so popular in the 80's. You bought us up and then sold us down the river after laying everybody off. You are no better than Enron. I guess Ken Lay is lying on a beach somewhere waiting for your sorry asses to join him in 2009. Oh come on, what heart attack?

Rove is probably already there on that island. What a bunch of crooks! I hope you are all laughing all the way to the billions of US Tax payers' dollars you have stashed somewhere in some foreign bank account. You know you robbed people of their futures who were depending on their 401K's for retirement. But then what do you really care. You just wanted to fleece America.

Our government did nothing to protect these long time workers from bankruptcy because our government is just as low down crooked as the corporations who ripped American off. Otherwise they would have overseen the lobbyist and corporate plans. Yeah, they got you elected but then what? They get all the breaks and you don't act like a president of the people for the people. You were Iraq's president. It's all you ever talked about...and then that stupid hydrogen power plan that you keep pushing out.. first 2010 then 2020. Just give it up! We could have had both gas and electric since 1904 (see DVD "Who Killed the Electric Car?"). But no, the dirty aired oil polluting money hungry greedy thugs in the oil busines crushed the elecric car. NO wonder they faked the elections to get a Republican in office to further their evil deeds.

They cheated their way into the presidency to begin with. Is that what the skull and bones is all about? Let's just see how crooked and rotten we can be and then expect our citizens to be war vets and patriotic. Unbelievable! Maybe WW II was a just war? But the rest haven't been. Not since Ford, Lindbergh, Walter, Bush and the rest of the fortune seekers realized that there was money in the military war machine. Money to be made for THEM. They sure haven't enriched this country. We import everything from oil to lumbar from Canada. What do we manufacture here? Since 1900 no cars could stand a chance against the big three.. they all were crushed by the crooks.

And we have the stupidiest laws...just to torment people. Making weed illegal as you allow tons of other dope to come across our southern borders along with thousands of illegals everyday. Terrorist, my ass, I think the terrorist are sitting in Washington D.C. and running this country.

mzzim left a comment in the Washington Post. "Well should we elect another lobbyist led Republican? They got us into this mess can they get us out? Obama couldn't fight his way out of a paperbag. He loses papers for god sake. Hillary has the drive and determination to stay on top of things and manage them and to clear up this mess."

Tonight the Democrats are debating. I suggest we all watch it together on CNN in the comfort of our own living rooms .. while we still have a home and heat.. god help us! What communist? Remember the false communist scare of the 50's and 60' and 70's. What a laugh? Now we are in debt to them up to our eye balls. Frankly, I think we are living amongst them.. they are running this country. Is Bush for us? Really? Are is he making room for Is Bush indirectly making us into a third world country? Just what is he and daddy Bush trying to do? They are ignoring the southern borders for a reason? Are we in that much hock to Mexico and China?

It makes you wonder doesn't it? Have they gone too far this time with "greed" as their motive. I keep trying to figure out the big picture. I keep hoping (well, in a way) that they have a plan. Surely our leaders of this country are just not running amok drive by greed? Surely they have our interest at heart?

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