Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I've been reading remarks posted by people

watching the debate last night on CNN.

I find them all very interesting and informative. I agree that CNN gave a lot of leaway to Obama and was in his defense and loved to show Clinton sleeping in public places. Well they showed Cheney too. Haven't we all done it?

Personally, I felt that Hillary brought out some very important issues about Obama. And she showed her might that will be needed when she comes up against Romney or McCain latter in the year.

In my opinion I think CNN favored Obama or felt sorry for him. In my opinion Obama is just too inexperienced and I hope black Americans come to realize this. I think Hillary can do some much more for black America, the poor (which we are all becoming these days..), and the economy. Hillary will keep an eye on large corporations who were allowed to run amok in the Bush administration and as we know ripped off insurers of health care benefits and sold out the American workers by shipping jobs overseas.

It's obvious to me and has been..if you take good jobs out of this country, how in the world can we afford to buy communist China imports? I learned in Economics 101 as a freshman in high school that a country must export more than it imports to say afloat. Evidently Bush missed that class.

Bush was a mere idiot puppet... or rather daddy ran the show and got his old cronies (Cheney) to run the show to get the last drop of oil profit from the middle east. The guy must be senile and living in the 60's are beyond. What a bunch of old white oil and war mongers!

I'm afraid of McCain too..every other word is about life as a war prisoner. There is something very sick about that. It's like these old 80 year old guys always talking about WWII. That's okay but not for a president! We need you focused! We need our president to be focused on today's problems and Bush sure left us enought of them.

I am convinced that Hillary can clean up this mess. He had to show her might last night to let the American people know that she is full of knowledge and know how to take on Romney or McCain in debates that will be coming up.

I'm sorry to say that if people vote for Obama because he is black? Did you notice last night all three up there had about the same skin color. Obama is half black for one thing. If he thinks that will carry him.. I'm sorry.. he is mistaken. This country needs guts, knowledge and know how, and clout to get us out of this mess and Hillary (and company) can surely do it. It's been done before! We have the proof. It's not like you are getting some inexperienced person. We have no idea what Obama will be like. Well I do. I fear he will be another Bush. Bush didn't have a clue as how to be president.

Obama will screw up this country even worse than what it is already.. Clinton will fix it I feel very confident about this. Hell all he has to do is ask Bill. He cleaned up the mess that old man daddy Bush left behind. The only wrong thing Bill did was sign into law NAFTA without ensuring jobs security..it lifts tarriffs but also out sourced jobs. But Hillary could easily sign a bill produced by "mostly Democratic and sympathetic Republicans in Congress" to curtail any shortcoming of NAFTA. Or she can put into place tax incentives for corporations to make it beneifical for them to bring jobs back here in America. All this can be fixed by a president who has the knowledge and clout and brains to get it done. And I feel Hillary can get the job done.

Obams seems confused to me. I can just feel the way his brain is mush and scrambling to straighten out this thoughts and get the right words out in the right order. He is not clear and direct and to the point. He keeps switching up his answers. And what really sticks is the fact that he doesn't know how to vote in the Senate. Voting "present" when he didn't like something about a bil rather than voting "no". Voting "No" for a 30% finance fee ceiling on charge cards.. which let "lifted" the ceiling and gave the charge card companies the green light to charge even more. Obams is confused. I, personally, don't want a confused person in the highest office in America. We just have a confused person there.

Of course Cheney and daddy Bush wanted sonny as president and I'm sure we haven't seen the end of them after four or eight years Jeb will rise his ugly stupid, crooked head. And I guess then too crooked voting, cooked planning of domestic attacks, fear tactics will take place again.

Don't you think it's funny how the red, orange and yellow lights of fear have dimmed or gone out of the news. Oh please! The Republicans planned the whole scare tactic thing to get all these corporations over to the middle east to protect the oil, make tons of money in oil (up to $100. a barrell) and put every cent of tax payers money into the pockets of wasteful ex general ran corporations such as BKG, Blackwater and (Cheney ran) Halliburton. Just how stupid and blind do they think the American people are?

And now WE are suffering the reprocussions of their greed. Insurance companies have ripped us off. Financial companies have ripped us off. Credit Card companies have trapped us into bankruptcy; of course with no good paying jobs in this country anymore we are all losing. We have lived as credit card extended as we could and now we are suffering the reprecussions and subsquent financial failures. All because this administration allowed corporations to run amok! Hillary will oversee what goes on and keep tabs to protect the American people.

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