Tuesday, January 08, 2008

NOT a popularity contest....this country needs help

are young people voting for Obama because he is younger, bi-racial, a lawyer or a professor? I hope all voters see where our country is headed....in the toilet!

The dollar continues to weaken, faulty home loans end in foreclosures by the millions, a needless senseless war for oil and profit, global dislike, out sourced jobs that shrink the middle class, off shored headquarters to avoid paying taxes and illegal immigrant situation that will probably never get fixed as long has Bush is in office because corporations want there cheap labor here. An unbalanced budget and extremely huge national debt. In this failing corporate ran economy we are failing yet our president seems to not know how to fix it or even care for that matter.

Young Americans are voting for Obama..because he is cute! This scares me. Where is his experience? Hillary is brilliant and experienced and has already been ran through the wringer. Of course the Republicans will have a field day with Obama. Obama will never be able to go up against an experienced Republican.

The public loved Hillary's feminine side...she needs to show more of it. Everyone both parties understood. Even Huckabee says "Cut her some slack". She was touched by a woman who asked about HER well being. I guess anyone would be when you are out there day after day fighting for everyone else.

I think Hillary needs to coral Bill however. He needs to be careful and not make this look like his election. I can see him easily getting caught up in the hoopla.

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