Wednesday, January 02, 2008

And a Fabulous New Year to All

The holidays were great for me this year. I have no complaints. How could I? I have wonderful sex on New Year's Eve and it just doesn't get any better than that!

My holiday were spent with some of my un-closeted closest gay friends. Talking about un-closeted one fortiest friend spoke of being kicked out of the military in the 80's because he was gay. He told his commanding officer that if the process continued the military would lose at least twenty-five percent of these most high tech and talented men (women made up very few is any of the military then) with close to 4.0 ratings. My friend had a 3.8 military rating. And because of his high ratings my friend received an honorable discharge after serving
for two years. He enjoyed the military and why not. He remarked how guys thought if they didn't kiss it wasn't homosexual sex. Pretty funny! We all know that if a man has sex with a man that he is gay - end of story! I don't care if he is married with children (the trophy family) if a man has sex with another man he is gay! Oh, and I was pretty amazed that this "young" man (according to today's standards) is taking the little blue pill. Is that too interesting?

Yesterday evening at the party two women dominated the conversational floor. No, I wasn't one of them. Hey, I'm here on this planet to learn. And usually by the time I get back home from an evening out I'm feeling pretty damn good about myself. God, there's a bunch of whiners out there! Poor me! They have no clue that they hold their futures in their minds, thoughts, and their heart. We are our thoughts!

Most women are complaining because they had forked out car payments, bill payments, education payments for their lovers that they are fully committed and faithful in return. Not true! Do people just want a story or a history to complain about. And it amazes me how it never occurs to them that they appear pretty naive' and stupid. And these are well educated people! If I made a big ass of myself forking out money to someone and expecting them to eternally be faithful to me, I certainly wouldn't tell anyone!

Oh, and these poor souls are not only unhealthy emotionally but physically. "No body loves me". Hello! Would they love a whiner? Oh well, probably so! Not me! I believe in tough love and allowing people to grow a back bone of integrity and honor for themselves. Most people who are whiners did it to themselves. Just think about it? See? We do create our own realities. Besides they feel their whinny is justified. You did it to yourself! Money can't buy you love and of course half the people of earth will take advantage of you and even grow to dislike you because you are so dang gullible and without pride!

But you know what, no one wants to hear what anyone else has to say. In the course of the "conversation" I managed to slip in that I was dating a married women. I just wanted to see the lasted exactly ten seconds and then they went right back to their woeful miseries. It was really quit comical.

Don't you wonder that these people took away from the evening? They didn't learn a damn thing. How could they learn anything? They didn't listen - really. They merely spewed out into the air woeful whining sounds. On the other hand, I learned a lot.

I learned people are a pain in the butt and filled with self pity. Oh I offer sympathy but what does that buy anyone but an extension of their whining permit. Hey it works for them so they continue the same behavior. And there are educated women in social services fields! It's maddening! Like small crying children they wear every single emotion on their sleeves for the whole world to see. What is amazing, most people are sympathetic yet flaunt their wonderfully, perfect relationships. It's such a crock and very hard to experience. "I got me a girlfriend!" They are in love with the idea of being in love and in the perfect relationship that they do not see the forest for the borrow an old cliche'. Old Rosemary Clooney song: "Hey there you with the stars in your never made a fool of use to be too wise..." Pretty funny!

Anyway, maybe it comes with age...but I don't it! I did see some very sound couples over the holidays.. gay couples. Love is a give and take thing that's for sure. If it's true then it's wonderful to have that special someone in your corner..with you in their hearts and they in yours. Sometimes it's just hard to have both people be in the same place emotionally at the same time. Oh what a wonderful feeling!

I'm a Libra.. I give I have always given away myself in not a monetary fashion but in an emotional and time fashion and I can't do that for more than fifteen years and then I have to move on. Being alone has it benefits... I eat, watch, do and be pretty much of what I want. I love visiting at parties and moving about the crowd without trying to keep a date happy. I don't have to worry about rolling eyes and head jerks in the direction of the exit door. I can stand as long as I want.

I do love these people I truly do but I need to be myself and this is the only way that I can be myself without giving up too much of myself. So I date someone who is not totally available. One who has another life style. I don't really mind. We met up both with our own agenda. She to stay married and me to stay independent and it works for us. I certainly do not need anyone to fix me at this point in my life. I need sex! We are very compatible in that give and take arena.

Why am I writing about this? Why not! I think thirties are for very idealistic thinking but then when forties and fifties come along I think people think..the hell with that idealistic plan it's not working. Religion is a hoax and anyone who tries to follow that line of crap will certainly be unhappy. We cannot follow distinct blue prints designed to please and accommodate the hypocritical church. Trust me there are many gay men in the church yet they speak out against gay people; the same with men in politics. I say why don't you all come out and be yourselves. ..what is the big deal. If homosexuality is the norm (and it is) then it will becomes acceptable in these ignorance people's eyes. In my opinion people are hypocrites because our church and government leaders are hypocrites and espouse hypocrisies.. Why? To distract from the real issues in this society? Like a failing economy? A failing war? A failing in the planning of jobs and alternative renewable fuels? Our government has failed us and we would be very ignorance to continue the present administration trend because if we keep going at this rate the middle class will cease to exist.

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