Monday, January 21, 2008

I just watched the Democratic Debate on CNN

held in S. C. I think Hillary looked strong. And I think she will deliver her promises..hey she's got a majority in the certainly she can deliver in getting us better affortable honest health care, jobs back in this country, protecting our borders, straightening out this housing mess, and ending this needless oil war for profit. All our tax payers money went into this needless war.. we got nothing out of our tax dollars..until the bridge collapsed in Minnesota and "they" had to do something about our aging infrastructure.

Obama stumbled badly this evening in my opionion. First of all he hee haws around, stampers, stumbles and it sounds like he doesn't know how to vote in the Senate. He voted "present" when he should have either voted "yes" or "no". Voting present means maybe...well it doesn't count, period! But he defined his "present" vote by saying in Illinois it means you don't like something about the bill....(well then vote "no"! Hello!) Hillary and Edwards didn't drag on with this and just let it go.

And then Obama voted "no" for the 30% interest ceiling on credit card debt. He defined this by saying he voted "no" because he didn't like it and thought it was too high. Edwards explained then. "You voting 'no"'gave credit card companies no ceiling on to just how high they could charge interest ". Voting "no" gives the credit card companies the green light to how high they can set the credit card interest rate. Obama obviously didn't get the voting process in my opinion. What did he do - ask a Republican how to vote? Well, someone told him wrong.

I just hope people don't vote for someone just because of sex or race. Of course I want a woman to win and if I were black I would want a black person to win. If I was a white guy I might want Edwards to win. But, I listen and I consider their policies and in my opinion Hillary is the only one who speaks clearly and to the point on just how she plans on attacking our health care crisis in this country. The woman is driven! Trust me! She will get the job done. She will help us with income, housing, health, the war withdrawal, alternative fuel and getting rid of poverty by better education (for all) and better jobs. Yes, Bill Clinton was the first black candidate.. Bishop James will vote for Hillary Clinton. I heard most young black women say that they'll vote for Obama.

I just want everyone to watch and think. Can Obama match wits, quickness, and brains with Romney or McCain... frankly I don't think so! I like Obam but I just don't think he is up for the job. He's not focused as well as Hillary. He appears easily confused. He admitted to not having his people give him papers too early or he'll just lose them. That did it for me!

Hillary said she will over see and write bills to keep companies in toll so they don't cheat people.. and that is what a good manager does. She will over see all committee, cabinets, etc., to make sure things are in line for the good of the people. You see Bush was just to ignorant and let companies run amok.. he didn't make sure jobs stayed here in this country. He set no standards on what China could ship over here in regards to safety standards.

A good president over sees how the people below her are doing their job. Obama doesn't have that sense of managing. He can't even understand a bill or how to vote on it to get his point across. Maybe he just needs a few more years of experience and then run for president. He's only had one year in the Senate before he decided to run for president.

I wish them all well... but more I wish us well, the stock market failure is scaring me, a failing job market is scaring me, high debt and the housing crisis and every company under the sun ripping people off is scaring me. We need Hillary in there to clear this mess up. She is capable of multi tasking where I seriously fear Obama will depend on too many other people to do his job.. and things need to be organized and work together in rythm and system by one overseeing person. otherwise we'll have another Bush mess on our hands. That guy didn't have a clue!

Please for your sake and mine watch the debates

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