Monday, January 14, 2008

Words come easy..

I think Mitt Romney is living in a dream world. He doesn't see a recession? He is thinking the old ways and that of cutting taxes will help people save money. Mitt, people do not make enough money to have any left over to save. Most people have at least a ten thousand dollar balance on their credit cards..that gets carried over from month to month.. so they are paying interest on their interest..because interest gets added to your balance each month. Mitt should do something about that!

Mitt is against gay marriage. Gay people are discriminated against even in the corporate world where domestic partners can be added on another person's people have to pay taxes on that..where as a non-married domestic couple does not have to pay taxes on that. Christain minds at work...make me want to cry.

Hey, I was born gay. I guess Christians would just rather have me kill myself rather than accept me for who I am. I am not a sinner. I believe Christians are for making my world a living hell. How dare they discriminate. They say they love the "sinner" but hate the sin. Huckabee gets around that by calling himself a sinner.

But Christians would gladly take my money and swear that they can cure me of my homosexuality. It's just a money making scheme. They declare you are a sinner so they can then turn around and say that they can fix you but it will cost you some money. Oh please! And how about all the "straight" on the "down low" hypocrites in the church and government who preach "against" homosexuality and vote against bills pertaining to protection or civil right of gays only to turn out to be gay themselves. Then there is Ted Haggard..high in the church preaching against the evil of homosexuality and low and below...he's indulging. Maybe it's more fun for some if it's nasty and hidden and they can sneak around on the down low to get their kicks while their poor trophy wives are turned into stage clowns. What is humorous to me is when they are "caught" immediately they drag "the wife" up to the podium with them. Remember the governor who was outed? Then there was Larry Craig! Oh yeah, their wives are truly up there on their own accord to stay by their men. Humorous!

I'm gay and I'm accepted in the spiritual world it's the church that is evil. God would not discriminate or prejudice against race, creed or gender like the church does. Actually, I'm not so sure I believe in the "man-writen" bible god created to suit male's needs and greeds and domination. And why didn't god get married? Would he had looked weak in the eyes of the men who wrote the book?

Forget the evil church, I draw on the spiritual world when I need help and want to express my graditude for my many blessings. I have my spirit guides and they do not discriminate. They do not see sex, age, time or gender. They are love - just pure love. My spirit guides have no monetary goals or demands.

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