Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Empty Words...

Bush gets on TV and tells us what we already know.. that the value of the dollar continues to fall, millions of people are losing their homes to loan default with many of those encourages by lenders committing fraud (which goes unpunished. Remember daddy Bush and son via the Savings and Loan frauds in the late 80's?). If I'm wrong on this.. someone correct me.

Bush is not our president. He never was our president. He is the president of lobbyist and big business of which he gets big "incentives", let's say! He is the "oil" president. Nice guy! Oil is up to $100.00 per barrel now. They claim the cost per barrel is up because of more demands from India, China, Japan, and other countries. We get some oil from Russia and Canada but more from the Middle East. But we here in the good old USA feel the higher prices on everything we buy because it all gets trucked to the stores. Production and delivery cost is higher so our cost is higher.

Bush likes to protect our interest in oil. I'd like to make a note here. In the late 90's California demanded a low emissions car so GM came up with the EV1 (Electric Vehicle). Consumers, rather leases loved it. GM would not sell it (must have been a government order...to not sell). Of course the vehicles were very popular but only under 200 were leased. And after a year or two every with thousands of requests and demands GM would not sell or lease and actually recalled all of these EV1 electric vehicles to the sadness of their drivers. A club to save the EV1 was formed. See the DVD "Who Killed the Electric Car?". You can rent it from Netflixs. I bought it.. it's historical! It explains "our" government and I use that world "our" very loosely. My point here is that Bush put an end to the electric car because it WAS so popular and the oil people (oil, auto and Bush) were beginning to worry about their OIL investments... so the electric car was literally squashed. Yes, perfectly good vehicles (and very cute) were crushed and destroyed; the last one in 2003. Yes! See the DVD! Oh and while this was going on.. the auto industry came back in a vengeance with the Hummer and extreme super sized SUV's and trucks which appealed to the male and suburban wife "keeping up with the Jones" mentality. Ego without monetary backing is an flimsy base for our economy.

The average credit card debt is over $10,000. Mr. Bush could care less or he is too ignorant to know what to do about it.. He's getting his kickbacks so what does he care. See the DVD "Iraq for Sale: War for Profit". Boy, Cheney crawled back under his crooked rock didn't he...we don't hear a thing about him. Rove bailed already..I guess to groom Jeb for 2012. I didn't realize but a relative of a standing president cannot run for office..so Jeb has to wait until 2012. Ugh! That will be another crooked election... like 2000 and 2004 (remember Florida?).

Even if secretly done, I hope the voting machines have been corrected.. only one or two companies make them and they of course of "Republicans" .. you know.. tax breaks and all and kickbacks. In my opinion too Christians are "bought" by this administration. Christians with hypocrites for leaders. Notice how they are all laying low now as Romney and Huckabee campaign. Only to pounce their pro-life, anti-gay agenda.

The anti-gay thing disturbs me greatly. Christians are spreading hate by singling out a certain group. They are better than us because they know the "right" way. Please! The bible is nothing more than made up crap, written by mere moral "men" (I might add!). All types of bible are made up fiction to depress women and gays. Women are slaves and lessor beings according to these "men" who are basically gay in their preachings. You can't tell me they are not gay!! If a man hates a woman he is hiding something he cannot understand about himself so he strikes out at the very thing he really adores and needs or needs to be. We hate in others what we hate about ourselves.

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